My name is Pascu Savin are in Bucharest, I'm 19 and I train in gyms around 5 years.
Watch this forum since I started the gym, watching this forum since I started the gym, for about five years so so .. I found by chance by looking information about certain supplements that I remember, I found very useful information, then I never dreamed you'd ever get the chance I could write this message, a topic to open my own profile, which pt. I feel honored to be here with so many important people, people who have done so much for this sport, so many sacrifices, so much work. I also noticed how many friends have linked on this forum, very beautiful and lasting friends.
Age: 19 years
Height: 1.78
Pounds: 95-100
I use about 4 years anabolic steroids. I did all sorts of cycles, but now I want to make the big step and that is to start a cycle of HGH.
I read a lot on the internet, I heard all kinds of opinions, suggestions .. I've seen all sorts of examples of cycles.
What about lying somewhere hgh cycle for 8 months.
Cycle in which you manage 6ui one day yes one day no for 8 months.
I think it will be something like this:
What do you think about such a cycle?Week 1-32: 2ml sustanon 350 every week
Week 1-16: 6ui every other day
Week 16-32: 8ui every other day
Week 31-32: 500ui pregnyl every 3 days + 20mg tamoxifen(nolvadex) every day
Week 33-34: 20mg tamoxifen(nolvadex) every day
Week 35:
Day 1: 100mg clostibegyt every day + 60mg tamoxifen(nolvadex) every day
Day 2-12: 100mg clostibegyt every day + 40mg tamoxifen(nolvadex) every day
Day 12-22: 50mg clostibegyt every day + 20mg tamoxifen(nolvadex) every day
Anyone done a similar course? Or could suggest a better Cycle?
How should I manage the 6 units? It is fair to administer 3ui in early morning, and the remaining 3ui in the early evening? How do you recommend?
I hope not to bother anyone with my presence or messages that you write on this forum. I do not know if anyone will be interested in this topic, or if you have more or less bored I tried to write a brief presentation to give you an idea about me, and Thank you very much in advance!!