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Thread: Missed week of test e cycle but not sure if I injected right

  1. #1
    robertt55 is offline New Member
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    Missed week of test e cycle but not sure if I injected right

    I started my test e and eq cycle 3 weeks ago I missed the fourth week I usually have someone to do it for me but I tried to do it yesterday by myself I tried to get all air bubble out and i hope I did I'm just feel nervous just incase I didn't I don't the jab at 11 o'clock yes day morning but a few hours later and the next day I felt very sick and week and pains in my stomach I never got this before after doing a job I still feel horrible the day after doing the jab Or is my mind just gone Into over drive

  2. #2
    wcarnold2 is offline New Member
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    All in ur head.
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  3. #3
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nothing to worry about a little air bubble will not hurt anything.
    I will be honest if you are not able to inject yourself you might not be ready to run a cycle.
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  4. #4
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    I deliberately leave a small pocket of air in the syringe to ensure no fluid is left in the needle when the plunger has been fully pushed down. It's fine, it takes a surprising amount of air to cause issues.

    On another note, is this your first cycle? What are your stats? What do you have as ancillaries and PCT?

    You're already here, lets make sure your doing everything safe and proper.
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  5. #5
    robertt55 is offline New Member
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    Thanks I think I just got a bit nervous and my mind went into over drive has anyone ever heard of gear called alpha ??? Thanks guys I'm 65 kilos at the moment I am eating clean I'm trying to put on some weight I am a hard gainer I know it's my fault not eating enough but I've changed that I don't smoke or drink I no people will not agree with what I'm doing I could be doing a lot worse like a lot of people around me but I'm always training and in the gym I'm not going to lie I do need some more advice on pct I have not chose what I'm going to use yet

  6. #6
    mwebb3477 is offline New Member
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    I'm a new member and have a question about test e 300mg I'm 5 foot 8 weigh 120lbs I injected 1cc on Monday in my right leg on top its been 4 days and my leg is really sore there's no sweeling st all. Just wondering if that's normal. Thanks

  7. #7
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mwebb3477 View Post
    I'm a new member and have a question about test e 300mg I'm 5 foot 8 weigh 120lbs I injected 1cc on Monday in my right leg on top its been 4 days and my leg is really sore there's no sweeling st all. Just wondering if that's normal. Thanks
    Lets get all your stats in this format please:

    Cycle HX:


    Again, do you have your ancillaries (AI, HCG ) and PCT in order?

    I'm going to be blunt, I'm very concerned for your well being. Your profile says you're 19, and you say you're 120lbs at 5'8'. From what i've gathered from your posts you're very ill prepared for AAS use, both training and research wise. My advice, STOP NOW!!!! You are putting your body at very high risk, and you clearly don't know how to eat to gain muscle. Imagine building a house; you need builders and lumber. You can have all the builders in the world, without lumber they can't build a damn thing! Food is lumber to build your fortress, steroids are like hiring extra workers; great if you have the building material, but a waste if they have nothing to work with. Additionally, at 19years old, your endocrine system is still very much developing. By using AAS you are at risk of permanently and seriously damaging it. It's your body, but from what I can see this is about as stupid as trying crack for you at this point.

    Please read these:

    The young and Steroids

    When you SHOULDN'T use AAS imho....

    Now the good news:

    At 19, your natural Test levels are through the roof!!!!! You're already on steroids, you don;t need to put more in!!!! Get of the juice, start PCT immediately, and get into the nutrition section. You will make HUGE gains when you know how to eat. Also get in the training forum, learn to lift effectively for your body. We'll get you to you're natural limits faster than you think; and by then you'll be a veritable steroid genius and know exactly how to safely and effectively apply their use.

  8. #8
    Mp859's Avatar
    Mp859 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mwebb3477
    I'm a new member and have a question about test e 300mg I'm 5 foot 8 weigh 120lbs I injected 1cc on Monday in my right leg on top its been 4 days and my leg is really sore there's no sweeling st all. Just wondering if that's normal. Thanks
    Start your own thread

  9. #9
    ElGringo is offline Junior Member
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    bro do you even punctuation marks?
    my eyes hurt

  10. #10
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElGringo View Post
    bro do you even punctuation marks?
    my eyes hurt
    It's unclear who you are referencing too.

    Also, your post does nothing to contribute to the thread. If you have something to add to the discussion your input is more than welcome, but snide remarks like this are not.

  11. #11
    ElGringo is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    It's unclear who you are referencing too.

    Also, your post does nothing to contribute to the thread. If you have something to add to the discussion your input is more than welcome, but snide remarks like this are not.
    umad? i was talking about OP. the purpose of punctuation marks is to help the message come across more easily, so that the receiver better/easily understands what the sender is trying to communicate. i think my comment adds to this thread or any thread where you have to re-read a post because the poster can't follow basic grammar rules. if you were to ask for help, would you elaborate your question so poorly?

  12. #12
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElGringo View Post
    umad? i was talking about OP. the purpose of punctuation marks is to help the message come across more easily, so that the receiver better/easily understands what the sender is trying to communicate. i think my comment adds to this thread or any thread where you have to re-read a post because the poster can't follow basic grammar rules. if you were to ask for help, would you elaborate your question so poorly?
    First, I hope the irony of you flaming OP for poor grammar, and responding to my post with "umad" isn't lost upon you.

    Second, It would seem as though this isn't the first time you've made inappropriate posts lately. With only 41 posts under your belt, I would suggest easing up a bit. Otherwise your time here may be near an end.

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