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Im currently on my second cycle, was gonna stick to what works like last time Test C and Var, got some extras as a gift, and it was prop, been wanting to try so what the hell.
I dont like to pin to frequently, not many sites i use, so i was trying to get away with the minimum EOD, first week 70mg second week 100mg gonna stay at 100 too. Im going into third week running it with 60mg Var and 300 test e weekly. Last cycle was 400mg per week and that worked awesome so why not 300, works for me, im in no rush and got a lifetime to push it.
At around the second week when prop is supposed to kick in a bit I guess, Im feeling like shit, fatigue, cloudiness, signs of depression in a way, no motivation. Dont have that good old test feeling.
My question is what the hell is obviously, could this be from the fluctuation in test from going EOD with the prop? A sort of up and down? While i feel a bit better i haven't really felt that great either immediately after the shot.
I did begin the Var two weeks before the test, but I doubt it would suppress me that quick, especially now with prop shots.
As far as AI, Im taking Aromasin as needed i guess i can say, mostly 10-20mg every 2-3 days, when im feeling the bloat and sensitivity. Plus its early in the cycle, i usually get bloodwork throughout beginning 5 weeks in, cause Im always curious and then I adjust.
Can it be estrogen related symptoms? And would it sound like low or high estrogen?
Well yeah thats about it whats your advice guys.
Do I up the dose maybe 150mg eod, i wanted to keep it low and even taper in the fourth week cause as you see im running a low dose test cycle and wanted to keep it that way.
Or do i say **** it and go ED on the shots of prop for the next two weeks? Would like to avoid it but if it will help i might do it.
And last say i wanted to just not go 4 or 5 weeks in prop and end it now in the third week, just thprop not the Test E,would the come down be that drastic and **** me up more til the Test e kicks in? im guessing so.
By the way