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Thread: Started Letro half into Test enan cycle due to minor gyno. Need help here please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    East Van

    Started Letro half into Test enan cycle due to minor gyno. Need help here please!

    Ok i'm a bit gyno prone. 5'9 180lbs 35 yrs old. 12 week cycle -- I'm about 8 weeks into Test enan 500mg per week along with Arimidex since the start, i was using 1 mg EOD Adex. However the adex wasn't working to stave off the gyno, keep in mind its pretty minor gyno but bugs teh hell out of me! Been using Letro for 12 days now, started at about 1mg first day, then 1.25mg the next day, then everyday until now 2.5mg (1 whole pill). The 12 days so far have been a lot less energy, big loss of libido, some aching of joints (needing more warmup time) Definite loss of strength. The gyno has loss the itching and sensitivity is gone and the lump has gotten smaller. What is the best way to come off and continue the arimidex? Note that i also have Nolvadex on hand also 25mg pills! i'm going to taper down with the letro for 3-4 days i think, then continue with tha Arimidex, but how many days after should i start the Arimidex? They say Letro has something like a 30-35 hour half life. I'm really trying to avoid any Estrogen rebound and would love some experienced help!!! Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Why dont you just try a low dose nolva alongside your ai? The letro is going to crash you it already has...go back to adex and usr the nolva 20mg a day. It will block the estrogen in your glands.

  3. #3
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    East Van
    I'd rather just use one or the other. Do you guys know how long it takes for your estro to come back up to a good level after? I'm starting to taper down now from letro 2.5mg per day. I think i'll taper down for the next week and end at a very small amount and see how it goes. Any other info would be so much appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    East Van
    any people that have experience with letro??

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Why dont you just try a low dose nolva alongside your ai? The letro is going to crash you it already has...go back to adex and usr the nolva 20mg a day. It will block the estrogen in your glands.
    Correct. The symptoms he described are all hallmarks of very low E2.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by KidUK View Post
    any people that have experience with letro??
    How long has the gyno been present and are you SURE it's gyno?

    Why wouldn't you run raloxifene? Letro is extremely harsh, will crash your E2 quickly, can cause problems for lipid metabolism and isn't generally the best choice of AIs.

    Have you checked the "stickies" for threads on treating gyno?

  8. #8
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    The body isnt meant to take that much letro studies done as well as my own experience is that it can actually cause nee trouble than help. There's a study I read on here I will try find it.

    Taper off the letro and start nolvadex straight away. The nolvadex will bind to the breast gland and aid in reducing the lump. I would advice running raloxifene as well at 60mgs a day for at least a month. Adex IMO isn't great but aromasin works well in conjunction with nolvadex. Good luck. You need to get blood work done to see were your e2 levels are and don't go guessing your ok by the lump.

  9. #9
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    Thats great, you are the man.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    The body isnt meant to take that much letro studies done as well as my own experience is that it can actually cause nee trouble than help. There's a study I read on here I will try find it.

    Taper off the letro and start nolvadex straight away. The nolvadex will bind to the breast gland and aid in reducing the lump. I would advice running raloxifene as well at 60mgs a day for at least a month. Adex IMO isn't great but aromasin works well in conjunction with nolvadex. Good luck. You need to get blood work done to see were your e2 levels are and don't go guessing your ok by the lump.
    How long after stopping letro and starting Nolvadex will estrogen start elevating to a more normal level??

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Letro can be used as a Ai for an extended period of time if really needed. Right now it seems to be the only thing that can keep my estro levels down.

    But, on a simple cycle you really should not need it.

    Getting your in e in check can really b a chore from what I have experienced.

    As far as letro, taper down then off. Ralox is way better than Nolva. I am running it alongside my letro ATM.

    The letro dose I am on is .2mg every other day. Seems good so far

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