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Thread: Test E/Tren E/EQ Stack - 3rd cycle

  1. #1
    Bearox is offline New Member
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    Test E/Tren E/EQ Stack - 3rd cycle

    Hey guys,

    First time poster, long time lurker.

    I have ran Tren and test before but never EQ so im not sure if the dosages are ok on EQ. But this is what I currently am going to run:

    1-12 250mg test e weekly divided into 2x shots
    3-10 400mg tren e weekly divided into 2x shots
    1-10 400mg equipose weekly 1x shot

    PCT being:

    Aromtraz 0.5 ED for duration of cycle

    Clomid and aromasin week after last shot of test

    Aromasin 25mg e2d for 4 weeks

    Clomid 1-2 100mg ed
    Clomid 3-4 50mg ed

    Also natural test booster basic supplement everyday (I feel it helps a little)

    What is your thoughts on a cycle like this, what improvements can be made to it and should my usual pct change because of EQ.

    Feed back and being critiqued is much appreciated.

    Thanks guys.
    Last edited by Bearox; 06-28-2014 at 05:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Leakland is offline New Member
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    I'm no expert but it seems like you have everything in place. I've been doing a lot of reading up about test/tren stacks lately and everything seems to be on point. You have your ai and pct...I have a feeling ppl are going to bE asking for your stats tho. I'm also curious to see what some of the vets have to say about your cycle. I really don't know why so many ppl say to stay away from tren e but also say it's the best aas ever. How was your last experience with test/tren?

  3. #3
    Bearox is offline New Member
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    My last experience with tren /test went very well for me. The only noticeable side I had for the duration of the cycle was night sweats which were bearable.

    Im 6'1, 195lbs, lifting for 4 years with my first 2 years being natural.

    First cycle test e only (lame)
    Second Cycle test e 500mg /tren e 200mg (very happy)

    But I have read alot saying test should be run lower then tren so I am giving it a go this time around.

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    This cycle is a complete mess from start to finish. I would help but you are way too young to be using steroids .

    The Young and Steroids

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leakland View Post
    I'm no expert but it seems like you have everything in place. I've been doing a lot of reading up about test/tren stacks lately and everything seems to be on point. You have your ai and pct...I have a feeling ppl are going to bE asking for your stats tho. I'm also curious to see what some of the vets have to say about your cycle. I really don't know why so many ppl say to stay away from tren e but also say it's the best aas ever. How was your last experience with test/tren?
    No. it's actually a disaster.

    EQ belongs in the garbage.

    AI dose and frequency is wrong.

    AI should not be used during PCT

    No HCG planned.

    No DA to control prolactin - will be needed since AI is used incorrectly.

    SERMS for PCT are dosed daily NOT weekly.

  6. #6
    Leakland is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bearox View Post
    My last experience with tren /test went very well for me. The only noticeable side I had for the duration of the cycle was night sweats which were bearable.

    Im 6'1, 195lbs, lifting for 4 years with my first 2 years being natural.

    First cycle test e only (lame)
    Second Cycle test e 500mg /tren e 200mg (very happy)

    But I have read alot saying test should be run lower then tren so I am giving it a go this time around.
    I've read that test should be higher than tren, but I've also read tren should be higher. I guess it's one of those things where everyone is different and you have to give yourself a little bit a trial and error to see what works best for you.

    Also why isn't nolva In your pct? Just wondering.

    As for numbere I knew there would be a little hating going on. It seems with tren there always is. IMO his guy has come here for help and isn't what these boards are for? Instead of telling him he's too young , too inexperienced and not to do it period (because he's gonna do it anyway) why not help him out?
    Last edited by Leakland; 06-28-2014 at 05:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Leakland is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    No. it's actually a disaster.

    EQ belongs in the garbage.

    AI dose and frequency is wrong.

    AI should not be used during PCT

    No HCG planned.

    No DA to control prolactin - will be needed since AI is used incorrectly.

    SERMS for PCT are dosed daily NOT weekly.
    Good I said I really don't know much about this...I have no personal experience with tren still only on my second cycle myself. I was just going off what I've read during my research.

    And I just noticed he says he is running ai ED...I believe it should be .5 EOD?
    At least with Adex I've read that .5 EOD is about right.

    If he adjusts the ai frequency would he still need to have DA to control prolactin

    I've also read comments from numbere in another thread where he tells the op to drop hcg and just run Nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50
    And this was for a test/tren cycle too..

    So this is where I get confused,..I read so many mixed opinions from different ppl.

  8. #8
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leakland View Post
    As for numbere I knew there would be a little hating going on. It seems with tren there always is. IMO his guy has come here for help and isn't what these boards are for? Instead of telling him he's too young , too inexperienced and not to do it period (because he's gonna do it anyway) why not help him out?
    I have no beef with tren , it's quite the opposite my friend, I hold it in high regard and have much respect for the product. Tren is 5x as androgenic and 5x as anabolic as test. Tren is harsh on the lipid profile and can have horrible side effects if used incorrectly. You need to understand that almost half the people posing questions on this forum about tren cycles have no business using it. Tren is only for the experienced user.

    This forum is about connecting people, and educating them on how to use AAS as safely as possible. Me telling OP that he is too young to use steroids is the best advise that he can be given. He obviously doesn't know how to use these products safely, so there is a good chance he is naive about the risk to his HPTA.

  9. #9
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I have no beef with tren , it's quite the opposite my friend, I hold it in high regard and have much respect for the product. Tren is 5x as androgenic and 5x as anabolic as test. Tren is harsh on the lipid profile and can have horrible side effects if used incorrectly. You need to understand that almost half the people posing questions on this forum about tren cycles have no business using it. Tren is only for the experienced user.

    This forum is about connecting people, and educating them on how to use AAS as safely as possible. Me telling OP that he is too young to use steroids is the best advise that he can be given. He obviously doesn't know how to use these products safely, so there is a good chance he is naive about the risk to his HPTA.
    Agreed, tren is a great product BUT, too many guys are eager to jump on the tren-bandwagon too soon. It is a harsh compound and can do a lot of damage for those not ready for it - and by ready, I mean generally those that have at least 4 or 5 cycles under their belt and have a bf below 15%. Do people above 15% run tren? Sure they do, but that doesn't mean its safe or they don't have problems.

    Some members here would suggest that tren should only be used by advanced athletes. I wouldn't go that far, but I would agree that only those very familiar with hormones, what they do, and how anabolics affect the HTPA as well as other systems (especially your cardiovascular system when using strong products such as tren) should even consider tren.

  10. #10
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leakland View Post
    I've also read comments from numbere in another thread where he tells the op to drop hcg and just run Nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50
    And this was for a test/tren cycle too..
    You are misquoting me bro. Every amount of advise that I give is situational and specific to that person. If you are confused and have questions than ask away. My PM is always open.

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leakland View Post
    Good I said I really don't know much about this...I have no personal experience with tren still only on my second cycle myself. I was just going off what I've read during my research.

    And I just noticed he says he is running ai ED...I believe it should be .5 EOD?
    At least with Adex I've read that .5 EOD is about right.

    If he adjusts the ai frequency would he still need to have DA to control prolactin

    I've also read comments from numbere in another thread where he tells the op to drop hcg and just run Nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50
    And this was for a test/tren cycle too..

    So this is where I get confused,..I read so many mixed opinions from different ppl.
    It depends on the choice of AI.

    Anastrazol (arimidex ): start at 0.25mg EOD from start to PCT
    Exemestane (aromasin ): start at 12.5mg ED from start to PCT.

    HCG is best run during your cycle. It mimics LH albeit through a slightly different MOA. By doing so, it helps maintain proper leydig cell function and minimizes cellular atrophy caused by suppression and negative feedback loops via the HTPA. Running HCG during PCT prevents LH from doing its natural work to recover testosterone production and will often delay restarting your natural production - which is why it is recommended to not run HCG during your PCT when you are trying to restart your natural production of testosterone.
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  12. #12
    Bearox is offline New Member
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    Apologies, the clomid was meant to be written as daily not weekly, I like the idea of running HCG during the cycle also.

    To refer to the question about Nolvadex , I have been told nolva can effect tren in a negative way as a pct where as clomid doesn't.

    It sounds like there is alot of hate for me using tren as a 21 year old, what would you veterans reccomend?
    Last edited by Bearox; 06-28-2014 at 06:04 PM.

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bearox View Post
    Apologies, the clomid was meant to be written as daily not weekly
    Somewhat suspected that......but was hoping you would correct it.

  14. #14
    Bearox is offline New Member
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    Thanks MuscleInk What would you recommend as my next cycle with a good layout shown of it? I would much appreciate a suggestion.

  15. #15
    Leakland is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I have no beef with tren , it's quite the opposite my friend, I hold it in high regard and have much respect for the product. Tren is 5x as androgenic and 5x as anabolic as test. Tren is harsh on the lipid profile and can have horrible side effects if used incorrectly. You need to understand that almost half the people posing questions on this forum about tren cycles have no business using it. Tren is only for the experienced user.

    This forum is about connecting people, and educating them on how to use AAS as safely as possible. Me telling OP that he is too young to use steroids is the best advise that he can be given. He obviously doesn't know how to use these products safely, so there is a good chance he is naive about the risk to his HPTA.
    I respect that. However if he's going to do it anyway why not just give him the best advice possible other than not to do it. As for me I won't try it until I have more experience..I'm 34 and on my second cycle of just test...however I'm all about researching so when the time comes and I do decide to try it I will have some knowledge.

  16. #16
    Leakland is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    You are misquoting me bro. Every amount of advise that I give is situational and specific to that person. If you are confused and have questions than ask away. My PM is always open.
    Ok maybe it was the situation for that person
    The thread I am referring to is in the pct forum under Need some advice for PCT (test/tren stack)

  17. #17
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leakland View Post
    I respect that. However if he's going to do it anyway why not just give him the best advice possible other than not to do it. As for me I won't try it until I have more experience..I'm 34 and on my second cycle of just test...however I'm all about researching so when the time comes and I do decide to try it I will have some knowledge.
    I will not give a young person cycle advise because that would be against my morals and encourage many other young men to use AAS. Leakland you need to understand that at any given time there are roughly 25,000 people viewing these forums. If we begin giving cycle advise to youngsters then this place would be flooded with 20 year old's wanting advise on tren cycles. I have read too many horror stories about cycles gone wrong for the young to contribute to that madness. If you're under 25 there is no such thing as safe AAS use, the risks are far too high.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leakland View Post
    Ok maybe it was the situation for that person
    The thread I am referring to is in the pct forum under Need some advice for PCT (test/tren stack)
    I'm familiar with that thread. The advise given was specific to that situation and person.

    It's totally fine to have questions and seek answers. However, this thread belongs to someone else, and it's rude to hijack a thread that was started by another person. If you have a question that you would like answered then start another thread, or send a PM once your post count is high enough.

  18. #18
    Leakland is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I will not give a young person cycle advise because that would be against my morals and encourage many other young men to use AAS. Leakland you need to understand that at any given time there are roughly 25,000 people viewing these forums. If we begin giving cycle advise to youngsters then this place would be flooded with 20 year old's wanting advise on tren cycles. I have read too many horror stories about cycles gone wrong for the young to contribute to that madness. If you're under 25 there is no such thing as safe AAS use, the risks are far too high.

    I'm familiar with that thread. The advise given was specific to that situation and person.

    It's totally fine to have questions and seek answers. However, this thread belongs to someone else, and it's rude to hijack a thread that was started by another person. If you have a question that you would like answered then start another thread, or send a PM once your post count is high enough.
    I see your point numbere and completely respect it. I won't go further into my opinions on this debate, and I do apologize"hijacking" the thread that was not my intention. I just wanted to give a point of reference. I know in the future to keep threads separated.

    Back to the even if ai is run correctly hcg is still recommended?

  19. #19
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    To the OP and Leakland. We preach safe cycling here. Cycling under the age of 25 is not considered safe by the vast majority of people here therefore, we don't advise or recommend cycling even if a person is adamant they are going to run it anyway. There are too many horror stories of cycling too young.

    Let me ask you, say you had a son16 years old. He says 'dad I'm gonna run a cycle no matter what you say can you help me out?'. What do you do just say 'yes sure son here you go'. Or do you try and talk him out of it?
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  20. #20
    Leakland is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=Back In Black;6892023

    Let me ask you, say you had a son16 years old. He says 'dad I'm gonna run a cycle no matter what you say can you help me out?'. What do you do just say 'yes sure son here you go'. Or do you try and talk him out of it?[/QUOTE]

    Good analogy. So yes let's just say that were the case and I had a son who was stubborn and I knew was going to do it regardless of what I told him...then yes I would try to talk him out of it..but stubborn as he is and knowing he still wanted to do it I would then give him as much of my knowledge possible and would have him do it under my supervision...If I were knowledgable enough on the subject I would rather give him the advice and supervise him instead of just letting him go figure it out on his own and have something go terribly wrong.

    It's like when I was a kid some of my friends parents actually let us smoke pot inside the house. They didn't condone it and they weren't potheads themselves, but they knew what was going on and they never kicked us out. They knew doing it at home under their supervision was a lot better than doing it out in the streets where we could get I to all shots of trouble.

    This is how I look at it...
    Last edited by Leakland; 06-29-2014 at 05:00 PM.

  21. #21
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leakland View Post
    Good analogy. So yes let's just say that were the case and I had a son who was stubborn and I knew was going to do it regardless of what I told him...then yes I would try to talk him out of it..but stubborn as he is and knowing he still wanted to do it I would then give him as much of my knowledge possible and would have him do it under my supervision...If I were knowledgable enough on the subject I would rather give him the advice and supervise him instead of just letting him go figure it out on his own and have something go terribly wrong.

    It's like when I was a kid some of my friends parents actually let us smoke pot inside the house. They didn't condone it and they weren't potheads themselves, but they knew what was going on and they never kicked us out. They knew doing it at home under their supervision was a lot better than doing it out in the streets where we could get I to all shots of trouble.

    This is how I look at it...
    Bro......let it go! You might have been trying to help but with limited cycle experience sometimes it is better to leave it alone especially when you have no experience with two out of three of the compounds mentioned.

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great advice by MuscleInk and Numbere....
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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