Hello guys and gals,
I'm 31 yrs old & 5'10"; Male; 181lbs w/BF% bout 8-8.3% tops.
Cycle experience includes - Nandrolone/Test Prop/Primobolan/Masteron/Anavar/Tbol...
My next cycle will be as follows Test Prop/Masteron/& Tren Ace blend - 150ml=50/50/50. Dosages will be equal across the board - 400mg of Prop/400mg of Masteron/& 400mg of Tren Ace on a per wkly basis! Also, have been looking into the prop be raised during this cycle-for a lil weight gain 185-190 lbs - but want to get BF DOWN INTO 6.5-7.5 range)
My question pertaining to Progesterone management(as this will be my first Tren cycle) what is recommended as I'm not gyno prone... But this is hardly the case for Tren... Caber; liq. Prami(but have been reading about the sickness w/dosage experimentation, T-3, etc??? Wondering with the info I gave ya(if need more please just lemme know) what would be the best fit for me regarding Progesterone Management???
Thank you for any and all replies please... It is greatly appreciated!! Thanks...