Hey guys, I'm new to the forums here and I'm trying to find some suggestions/help with a new cycle.
I've done one cycle before with great results it was a 9 week bulk and I gained around 15-20 lbs, but I also had access to near unlimited food, and was in the gym for around 3-4 hours everyday.
Now I'm not quite able to do that, I'm in the military. I have PT every morning so I don't have much say in what I workouts I do then. although I am normally able to go to the gym for around 30 minutes a day alongside that.
I'm trying to figure out what would be a good stack for more career oriented gains, mainly muscular strength and endurance, not as much weight loss/gain. I have 0 experience with this type of cycle and am currently researching it but would like your suggestions as to what you think would be a good cycle for these goals.
I would like to improve on:
short run time (2 miles and under)
Push up Reps (under timed enviorments)
Sit up Reps (under timed enviorments)
Pull up reps
and just over all muscular endurance.
Also, If you're feeling up to it I'd like information on what type of PCT you would use for the cycle or specific roid you suggest.
thanks for your time