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Thread: First cycle first week in and have some questions

  1. #1
    man666 is offline New Member
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    First cycle first week in and have some questions

    A little bit of background about myself, I'm 27 years old and have been consistently training with good nutrition and routine for 5 years. My stats are 6'2 and 210 pounds. I've gotten all my blood work done and I'm perfectly fine.

    For my first cycle I've started 500 mg of testosterone per week (for 12 weeks) + 30 mg of Dbol per day for first 4 weeks. I'm also taking Aromasin One week in I've noticed the following symptoms:

    1. A bit of acne. Not bothersome but I was wondering if it subsides once cycle is over? And what I can do do prevent it? I'm currently using soap which will help prevent acne breakouts.

    2. I feel like I may be getting gyno...I had gyno during a teenager which I had removed many years ago. I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me or if it's actually gyno but I'd like to be on the safe side. Is there anything I should do in the meantime (take Nolva, increase Aromasin dosage, etc.)? Or should I just wait until I'm sure it's gyno to start taking action?

    3. I'm currently using a 25 g 1.5 inch needle for injecting. I have skinny glutes so I wasn't sure if this needle was too long? Is there any problem with using a needle that's too long? I have noticed for my first two injections my glute has been a bit sore for the next couple of days (but nothing too painful).

    4. Is it safe for me to just inject in the glutes area? Since I'm injecting only twice a week would it be fine if I just stick to glute injections (rotating between left and right) throughout my cycle.

    5. My testicles have definitely shrunk the first week in. When would be an appropriate time to start HCG ? I was thinking of starting it this weel I've seen several sources say different things. Before the start of this cycle I was going to start 2-3 weeks in but I could already tell my testicles are smaller so I was thinking this week would be a good time to start.

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by man666 View Post
    A little bit of background about myself, I'm 27 years old and have been consistently training with good nutrition and routine for 5 years. My stats are 6'2 and 210 pounds. I've gotten all my blood work done and I'm perfectly fine.

    For my first cycle I've started 500 mg of testosterone per week (for 12 weeks) + 30 mg of Dbol per day for first 4 weeks. I'm also taking Aromasin One week in I've noticed the following symptoms:

    1. A bit of acne. Not bothersome but I was wondering if it subsides once cycle is over? And what I can do do prevent it? I'm currently using soap which will help prevent acne breakouts.

    2. I feel like I may be getting gyno...I had gyno during a teenager which I had removed many years ago. I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me or if it's actually gyno but I'd like to be on the safe side. Is there anything I should do in the meantime (take Nolva, increase Aromasin dosage, etc.)? Or should I just wait until I'm sure it's gyno to start taking action?

    3. I'm currently using a 25 g 1.5 inch needle for injecting. I have skinny glutes so I wasn't sure if this needle was too long? Is there any problem with using a needle that's too long? I have noticed for my first two injections my glute has been a bit sore for the next couple of days (but nothing too painful).

    4. Is it safe for me to just inject in the glutes area? Since I'm injecting only twice a week would it be fine if I just stick to glute injections (rotating between left and right) throughout my cycle.

    5. My testicles have definitely shrunk the first week in. When would be an appropriate time to start HCG? I was thinking of starting it this weel I've seen several sources say different things. Before the start of this cycle I was going to start 2-3 weeks in but I could already tell my testicles are smaller so I was thinking this week would be a good time to start.
    How much aromasin are you taking and what is the frequency?

    Rotate between several injection spots to limit formation of scar tissue. As a rule of thumb, avoid the same area for 12-14 days after the last injection. No reason not to have multiple injection zone. Some may produce a bit more PIP than others the first few times but you have to expect a bit of pain occasionally when you are sticking needles into your body.

    1 1/2 inch should be fine. I use 1 inch for all injection sites now.

    Start HCG now.

  3. #3
    jdc91gt's Avatar
    jdc91gt is offline Senior Member
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    Let's start in reverse order: 5) your mind is playing tricks on you here, but you should start the hCG with your cycle and run it up to 3 days prior to PCT; 4) you're fine with this method; 3) I doubt the needle is too long, but remember upper outer quadrant for injections; the minor muscle soreness should disappear in a short time; and jumping to 1) you may have acne through out; I noticed my skin getting oily around the 3rd week in, but everyone is different; and back to 2) the hard question and most troubling: gyno; you are probably predispositioned for it if you had as a teen, so better safe than sorry; AI's don't treat gyno once it's there, but you are not sure; you didn't state your dosage of aromisin, so that's a challenge; personally, I would ditch the dbol right now on first cycle; if you have gyno started, you can treat it with nolva and there's a thread on here about that. But, it's no guarantee. Best of luck!!! Keep us posted.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdc91gt View Post
    Let's start in reverse order: 5) your mind is playing tricks on you here, but you should start the hCG with your cycle and run it up to 3 days prior to PCT; 4) you're fine with this method; 3) I doubt the needle is too long, but remember upper outer quadrant for injections; the minor muscle soreness should disappear in a short time; and jumping to 1) you may have acne through out; I noticed my skin getting oily around the 3rd week in, but everyone is different; and back to 2) the hard question and most troubling: gyno; you are probably predispositioned for it if you had as a teen, so better safe than sorry; AI's don't treat gyno once it's there, but you are not sure; you didn't state your dosage of aromisin, so that's a challenge; personally, I would ditch the dbol right now on first cycle; if you have gyno started, you can treat it with nolva and there's a thread on here about that. But, it's no guarantee. Best of luck!!! Keep us posted.
    Raloxifene would be a better choice IMO for gyno, if it's actually gyno and is in early stages.
    btc89 and jdc91gt like this.

  5. #5
    Zedded is offline Junior Member
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    what ester is the test

  6. #6
    man666 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys, thanks for all your responses.

    I am currently using Testosterone Enanthate and I take 12.5 mg Aromasin everyday. Should I increase the Aromasin dosage? In addition to dropping the dbol what else could I do to ensure I do not get gyno? See the thing is I'm not 100% sure if it's gyno or it's just my mind playing tricks on me as I am more bloated due to the dbol. It may even possibly be minor gyno I'm honestly not sure...but I do not it's not as bad as I have had it before. Would it hurt using a SERM during my cycle even if I did not have gyno, but just to be safe? I've already had surgery for it and don't want to ever go through that again...
    Last edited by man666; 06-29-2014 at 07:09 PM.

  7. #7
    btc89 is offline New Member
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    HCG should have been ran from the start, so you might as well suffer out the atrophy until PCT when they kick back into gear. For your gyno issue, try 25mg aromasin ED as well as 25mg nolva ( someone please correct me if I'm wrong on the aromasin dosage, it's just what I currently am taking because of gyno paranoia)

    The acne will subside after, so no worries there. Keep scrubbing and pop them suckers is all I do lol.

    I always use 25g 1" pins, but I'm really lean. 1.5" shouldn't hurt, and definitely rotate spots more. Even if you do glutes and quads, that's four different places. I have scar tissue buildup in my left quad from doing twice a week quad only and it seriously sucks.

    I hope I could help out, but there are definitely more knowledgeable members on here than myself.

    I wish you the best of luck =]

  8. #8
    man666 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by btc89 View Post
    HCG should have been ran from the start, so you might as well suffer out the atrophy until PCT when they kick back into gear. For your gyno issue, try 25mg aromasin ED as well as 25mg nolva ( someone please correct me if I'm wrong on the aromasin dosage, it's just what I currently am taking because of gyno paranoia)

    The acne will subside after, so no worries there. Keep scrubbing and pop them suckers is all I do lol.

    I always use 25g 1" pins, but I'm really lean. 1.5" shouldn't hurt, and definitely rotate spots more. Even if you do glutes and quads, that's four different places. I have scar tissue buildup in my left quad from doing twice a week quad only and it seriously sucks.

    I hope I could help out, but there are definitely more knowledgeable members on here than myself.

    I wish you the best of luck =]
    Thanks for your response =]

    Should I be taking the nolva until I feel that I absolutely have no gyno or continue it until cycle is over? (I will be taking 20 mg as mine come in 10 mg tabs). Also, I have heard that you don't necessarily need to start HCG right in the beginning of the cycle...some people even start 3-4 weeks into their cycle, so why wouldn't it be a good idea for me to start using HCG as I'm only a 1 and a 1/2 week into my cycle?

  9. #9
    RigPig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by btc89 View Post
    HCG should have been ran from the start, so you might as well suffer out the atrophy until PCT when they kick back into gear. For your gyno issue, try 25mg aromasin ED as well as 25mg nolva ( someone please correct me if I'm wrong on the aromasin dosage, it's just what I currently am taking because of gyno paranoia)

    The acne will subside after, so no worries there. Keep scrubbing and pop them suckers is all I do lol.

    I always use 25g 1" pins, but I'm really lean. 1.5" shouldn't hurt, and definitely rotate spots more. Even if you do glutes and quads, that's four different places. I have scar tissue buildup in my left quad from doing twice a week quad only and it seriously sucks.

    I hope I could help out, but there are definitely more knowledgeable members on here than myself.

    I wish you the best of luck =]
    Thats sh*t advice, 1 week into his Cycle and you think its too late? man666- RUN HCG 250iu E3D. Its not too late, start right now and run it right up to 3 days before you start PCT.
    jdc91gt and btc89 like this.

  10. #10
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Of course it shit for advice ! Their just little boys ! What advice could they give?

  11. #11
    btc89 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by man666 View Post
    Thanks for your response =]

    Should I be taking the nolva until I feel that I absolutely have no gyno or continue it until cycle is over? (I will be taking 20 mg as mine come in 10 mg tabs). Also, I have heard that you don't necessarily need to start HCG right in the beginning of the cycle...some people even start 3-4 weeks into their cycle, so why wouldn't it be a good idea for me to start using HCG as I'm only a 1 and a 1/2 week into my cycle?
    As I said, there are more knowledgeable members than I and two have given input on the hCG . I apologize for being incorrect there, it's just what I've been told and have read.

    For nolva, I would run it until I feel no more side effects.

    I wish you the best of luck =]

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