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Thread: Low Test Dosage ist worth or ist worthless ?

  1. #1

    Low Test Dosage ist worth or ist worthless ?

    Hi Guys
    a sample question
    in August i`m starting my Lean Bulk Cycle

    Test Cyp, EQ , Primo , Tren E , Dbol

    cycle length 12 weeks

    my question is, i wont to gain alot of weight and huge size, i just wanna ad a quality muscle and good looking, ist enough to run test at dose of 250 mg weekly ?
    this is my 8th cycle
    Age 30 , 5.10 , weight 103 kg , bf 10

    Thanks alot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Tren E, Dbol, EQ, ughhh.... this is not something it would be recomended around here. Btu with Tren you dont have to run the test very high as it wont make any difference. I basically only run test on my tren cycles to keep the wife happy, and 150mgs per week is enough for me, tren does the rest and then some.

  3. #3
    Dbol just as a kick start only 30 mg daily for 3-4 weeks ,,, and i tried Tren many times b4 and i got no pb with it at all, actually i like the results that i always got, i will use Tren E at 450 mg weekly dose only for first 5 weeks then will change to Tren A for another 5 weeks ...
    so as u said its ok to keep Test at a low dose per week ...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinigami View Post
    Dbol just as a kick start only 30 mg daily for 3-4 weeks ,,, and i tried Tren many times b4 and i got no pb with it at all, actually i like the results that i always got, i will use Tren E at 450 mg weekly dose only for first 5 weeks then will change to Tren A for another 5 weeks ...
    so as u said its ok to keep Test at a low dose per week ...
    Use just enough test for your little fella to work. Anymore and its just sides.

  5. #5
    Tbh, i dont mind the look of that cycle, something i wouldnt mind trying in the future.

    TREN E

    Dont know about the eq, seems pretty average atm im on.

    Primobolan id run for 600-1000mg

    Tren e anywhere from 400-800 for me.

    Test is fine at 250mg.

    Those are the doses id run.

    To the OP, what did you have in mind, lets see a full cycle layout.

  6. #6
    Well it will look like this

    Test 250
    Tren E 450-500
    EQ 800
    Primo 600
    Dbol 30 mg for 3-4 weeks
    then will change into
    Masteron 450 weekly
    Tren A 400 weekly
    Test Prop 150 weekly
    Anavar 30 mg
    Clen 120 mcg

    PCT HCG and it will start little bit earlier i`ll shoot 500 IU split into 2 shoots weekly for last 4 weeks then after cycle for couple of days ,then will start with Clomid and Nolva for 4 weeks
    a question do i need to use Adex during my Cycle 0.5 EOD

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I think you are running way too many compounds. EQ is crap and the primo could be something else completely (prob EQ). Lean bulk.... I would either bulk or cut. You can carb cycle in an effort to reduce some fat accumulation but if you want to grow then you need to eat. If you want to cut you need a deficit of calories. The tes/tren alone could accomplish this. Adding the dbol will add water weight and depending on your diet the water could stick around. Use hcg throughout the whole cycle ! Masteron won't do much unless you are already at a low body fat. Focus on what you want to achieve and make it less about the gear.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11
    Tbh, i dont mind the look of that cycle, something i wouldnt mind trying in the future. Well TEST PRIMO TREN E Dont know about the eq, seems pretty average atm im on. Primobolan id run for 600-1000mg Tren e anywhere from 400-800 for me. Test is fine at 250mg. Those are the doses id run. To the OP, what did you have in mind, lets see a full cycle layout.
    He has mentioned using every compound except for a bombs and winstrol. Not a good cycle plan at all. Too many compounds.

  9. #9
    Too many compounds.

    can i know why is too many compounds is bothering u !! is`t bad or u have another opinion ?

  10. #10
    and since when EQ is a crap lol
    and why alot of ppl doesn't like Primo ? yes i know cuz its expensive but what would u recommended if i told u that i have 8 vials of primo lifted to me by 2 of my friends who left the country for business !!
    use it on this cycle or just leave it for another one ?

    and don't worry about my diet i control it very well, calculating my calories always, tnx for this advice

    hmmm Buster Brown i`m curios about how would ur cycle look like if i asked u for one
    Last edited by Shinigami; 07-02-2014 at 06:36 AM.

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