Started my first AAS cycle, 500 of Test E per week split into two doses

The main goal of the cycle is to recomp, lean gains, and diet has been adjusted and is on check for that

Currently pinning Test and taking 0.5 Arimidex e3d

Am looking to add something oral to the cycle to assist in cutting fat mainly, and drying the gains and enhance vascularity.. I will be adding it after I finish the 4th week of the cycle, for four or six weeks

Now am leaning towards Proviron , and thinking about running it in the last four weeks and keep running it until I start my PCT

The other option is Trenavar, Trens prohormone, but am little bit concerned about the sides to be honest

T3 seems to be lovely and am considering running it alongside Proviron!

What do u suggest!?

Ps: cannot get Anavar