Hey guys, I posted this in the New Members section and someone suggested that I copy/paste here. Not necessarily looking for any feedback but it's always welcome from more experienced individuals.

Hey guys!

Newish 30 something guy here. Kind of migrating my online forum activity to this forum after being active on another forum that shall remain nameless. I've been a member here for a few months but haven't really been active until now. That being said:

32 yrs old, 195lbs, about 15-18% BF, 3500 cals daily 35/45/20 pro/carb/fat

Current cycle:

Week 1-8: Test-E 250mg/E3.5D, Aromasin 12.5mg/EOD
Week 9-13: D-Bol 30mg/ED
Week 9-16: Test-E 300mg/E3.5D, Tren -A 50mg/ED, Aromasin 12.5mg/ED

Have Nolva, Clomid, and HCG on hand for PCT, but debating cruising on a TRT dose of test for 3-4 months, running another cycle, then doing PCT after that. Not even thinking about running HCG until after I finish the dbol because from what I understand so far HCG can increase aromatization and I don't want to add that on top of test/tren/dbol combo. Looking forward to being a part of this community, getting to know some people, and learning as much as I can. Thanks!