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Thread: First Cycle g2g?

  1. #1
    drakemarsh is offline New Member
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    First Cycle g2g?

    My name is Drake and I am about to start my first cycle, but i want to make sure its g2g. I'm 19, weigh 181, height is 5'10, and my body fat is around 17%. I know my age is pretty young and should wait, but i just want to see if my cycle is g2g. I know there is a lot of stuff that is important than just the aas itself. But I have done my fair share of study.
    Dianabol - wk 1-6, 30mg ED
    Deca durabolin - wk 1-10, 400mg per week, inject 200mg(1ml) Mon & Thurs
    Arimidex - wk 1-10, .5mg every other day
    week 11 - nothing, break period until pct begins
    Nolvadex - wk 12 & 13, 40mg ED.. wk 14 & 15, 20mg ED

    I plan to draw the deca with an 18g needle and pin with a 25g needle in my quadriceps.
    Does this look g2g or am i missing anything or do i need to alter anything?
    Any advice will be so helpful.

  2. #2
    radballs is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    drakemarsh is offline New Member
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    is Test a must? Its my first cycle and i don't want to overdue it.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mate, at 18/19 years old, you are not going to get much of a response. But I'll give you one.

    At your age, this cycle would be a bad idea. Wait a few years til your mid twenties, when your hormonal system is fully developed/mature, and then we can talk.

    (and yes, every cycle needs test)

    Until then...
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  5. #5
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    To young, and with that proposed cycle will you be missing anything. Yes, your hard on. Don't do it, not worth it for A few lbs that you will end up losing within a month.
    drakemarsh likes this.

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Mate, at 18/19 years old, you are not going to get much of a response. But I'll give you one.

    At your age, this cycle would be a bad idea. Wait a few years til your mid twenties, when your hormonal system is fully developed/mature, and then we can talk.

    (and yes, every cycle needs test)

    Until then...
    Take the advice above. You are running too many compounds, the fundamentals of anabolic cycling are absent from your plan, and there are numerous problems with the proposal.

    There is no real need to shut down your HTPA at your age. This likely isn't the response you wanted but we advocate safe cycling and at your age, it simply isn't advisable or safe to be putting these chemicals into your body.
    drakemarsh likes this.

  7. #7
    drakemarsh is offline New Member
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    Me being young, I just blew the comments off and stuck to doing it. But, after looking at more posts, i have seen your comments and others comments and mainly you have talked me out of it. I dont want to mess up my system and have to do TRT or not be able to get an erection at such a young age. I'm going to wait til I'm older to try messing with injectables. But, unfortunately, I have already bought everything and can't get my money back. So, I have a coulple questions: 1) Can I keep the deca durabolin and it not ruin? or is there an expiration date on it? 2) Could I just take the dianabol by itself? Would it hurt my system badly or anything? I have some friends that have just taken dbol and got some pretty good gains off of it.
    Thanks a lot,

  8. #8
    drakemarsh is offline New Member
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    Thanks man, I've taken in your advice.

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by drakemarsh View Post
    Me being young, I just blew the comments off and stuck to doing it. But, after looking at more posts, i have seen your comments and others comments and mainly you have talked me out of it. I dont want to mess up my system and have to do TRT or not be able to get an erection at such a young age. I'm going to wait til I'm older to try messing with injectables. But, unfortunately, I have already bought everything and can't get my money back. So, I have a coulple questions: 1) Can I keep the deca durabolin and it not ruin? - if you store in a dark, cool place, it can store for years or is there an expiration date on it? 2) Could I just take the dianabol by itself? - bad idea. any steroid/hormone would be ill advised, as all lead you down the same risky path Would it hurt my system badly or anything? I have some friends that have just taken dbol and got some pretty good gains off of it.
    Thanks a lot,
    responses in RED

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