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  1. #1
    lumberjack Canadian is offline New Member
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    Jul 2014

    Help with my first cycle

    First and for most, i thank you guys for taking time out to read this and for helping me out!
    Im 24, years old and I've been training since i was 16, at age 20 i began taking things more seriously spending 5-6 days a week in the gym progressing with weights and getting my diet in check. My stats:

    Body stats: 5"11 225 16% Body fat

    Weight lifting Stats:
    Squat: 365x5
    Bench: 230x5
    OHP: 155


    Ive always told myself this, i want everything to be absolutely perfect before i jump in. Ive been doing a lot of reading, especially the stickies and I'm under the assumption that gear is safe as long as all the right protocols are taken. This I would like to confirm.

    Another question, my body fat is fairly high, should i consider cutting weight first before doing my first cycle of test. Ive heard that excessive body fat during a cycle of test will lead to massive amounts of gyno.

    Also, for a first cycle i was considering test with the proper pct, what do you recommend for a first timer?

    My dream is to have a big family with a lot of kids, assuming i take test properly and pct right, am i putting my dream at risk?

    Last question, If i to was run a cycle of test, do i keep the gains made assuming i run one and only one cycle?

    Like i said before, i won't even go near gear unless everything is 100% so I'm fine with waiting a few months/years.I know i sound like a noob and you guys probably see posts like this all the time but thank you all for answering these questions!

  2. #2
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This will answer a lot of your questions

  3. #3
    lumberjack Canadian is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Thanks BigTahl. I read the sticky earlier and thats why i ask those 2 questions specifically. Should i cut to 185 before starting my first cycle to avoid any gino? Also, assuming i properly pct, will i run the risk of any fertility issues? thanks again.

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Why would you want to lose 40lbs before you cycle? That would be a lot of muscle lost. It's not about weight it's about bodyfat %. If you intend to bulk on your cycle I'd be inclined to be no more than 12% when you start your cycle. Excess bodyfat increases the risks of more than gyno. Proper cycle management and bloodwork will help enormously though.

    In answer to your 2nd question there is no way of knowing what your recovery will be. It's unlikely you will have fertility issues. Plenty of us have had children after several cycles as have lots of pro's. Again, proper cycle management and pct will help increase the chances of a full recovery.

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