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  1. #1
    foss is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Test Cyp/NPP Cycle

    Stats: 6'1, 190lbs, 12% bf, age 25, 2nd cycle

    I have 3 bottles of Test Cyp 200mg/ml and 3 bottles of NPP 100mg/ml. I've done some research and have come to the consensus that most dose the cyp at around 500-700 mg/wk e3d and the NPP at 300-500mg/wk EOD. What dose should I run to maximize gains? If I'm running doses on the higher end I will need another vile of each to make the cycle long enough, correct? I also have a bottle of Masteron left from my previous cycle which I'm wondering if I should throw in at the end.

    What are the best AI/SERMS for these compounds?

    Thanks for your help guys, I just wanna be completely prepared and have my cycle planned out before my first pin.

  2. #2
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by foss View Post
    Stats: 6'1, 190lbs, 12% bf, age 25, 2nd cycle

    I have 3 bottles of Test Cyp 200mg/ml and 3 bottles of NPP 100mg/ml. I've done some research and have come to the consensus that most dose the cyp at around 500-700 mg/wk e3d and the NPP at 300-500mg/wk EOD. What dose should I run to maximize gains? If I'm running doses on the higher end I will need another vile of each to make the cycle long enough, correct? I also have a bottle of Masteron left from my previous cycle which I'm wondering if I should throw in at the end.

    What are the best AI/SERMS for these compounds?

    Thanks for your help guys, I just wanna be completely prepared and have my cycle planned out before my first pin.
    What was your first cycle including AAs and Ai hcg and pct protocols?

    You quoted you have masteron left from your first cycle which should have been test only my friend!!

  3. #3
    foss is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    my first cycle was test phenyl-prop and masteron . I know it is frowned upon to add other compounds besides test for your first cycle but I guess I let my source talk me into it. I ran exemestane during the cycle, nolv and clomid for PCT. Saw good results with very little sides, gained around 17 pounds and held onto about 12.

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