Hello guys and gals
I am a new lifter and new to roids. I am a very active gu,y I cage fight I'm in great shape but I don't have big muscles or look like I'm in great shape. The guys who come in our gym ripped with 6 packs can't keep up with my cardio, however I am sick of looking like a little bitch. So I'm going to do something about it.
About 2 months ago I stopped going to my fight gym and started reading the swolly Bible! I lift with a 6'3" 265 lb monster, he stopped going to the hospital and stated going to the vet regularly because he's am animal! He is a huge Dorian Yates fan, he is all natural and has never used any kind of steriods, he's a good friend and I don't want him to know I have decided to juice.
Here is what I've done. When we lift we lift slow and controlled and squeeze at the top of the rep. We never lock out and always keep tension on the muscle. I saw some great gains and improvement. In 8 weeks I went from 3 sets of 50 lb flat dumbell bench press to 85 lbs. Form is a huge factor, he does not allow any shitty form. Two weeks ago I started tren and Test cycle. 4 weeks ago I started to take an estrogen blocker. Every other day I'm taking 1.5cc of tren ace and 1.5cc of test. Before i started a cycle i noticed gains in my chest and arms. When i started working out 2 months ago i weighed 195, now I'm 212. Here are my questions
1. What should I eat to gain muscle not fat?
2. Would it hurt to stack it with decca?
3. Should I stop juice and just workout regularly
4. When should I make a cut
My goal is to weigh around 235 to 245 and cut to 185. I don't expect it to happen over night.
My diet is not bad I take in around 3,000 to 3,500 calories a day. 1 gram of protein per lb body weight 2 carbs per lb body weight. I drink close to 2 gallons of water a day. I eat 5 to 6 times a day and take creatine, whey csn and bcaa during workout. Before my meal after I lift I drink gatorade mix to spike the insulin levels.
I do 30 mins of HIIT cardio on the rpm spin bike or the rower after each workout
Monday chest and abs
Tuesday back
Wednesday off but I do 30 mins cardio
Thursday shoulders
Friday sexy muscle day. ARMS and abs
Saturday LEGS
Since I've stated lifting I've noticed my legs have gotten huge and you can't pinch skin off of my quads. My quads have always been nice but not like this. My problem area is I have a MUFFIN TOP. Even though I'm getting bigger muscular wise it also looks like I'm gaining a little weight in the mid section. Overall it looks like I'm on the right track.
Am I going about this wrong? Am I doing things right here? Should I work out more being I'm on a cycle or is the schedule enough? Usually lifting last 45 mins but I'm smoked afterwards then off to cardio. Any suggestions would help.
I'm trying to be a ****ing beast I want to drink wolf milk straight from the tit!
Thanks guys and gals