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Thread: Cycle advice

  1. #1
    Getjackedstayjacked is offline New Member
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    Cycle advice

    I'm 5'9 225-230lbs I'm 23 and have been going hard in the gym for 7 years. I was wondering seeing as it been my sixth cycle and last cycle I used slin. 1-14 1,000mgs of test E 14-18 cruise at 250 throw in tren at 300mgs a week to dry out some of the water retention, 1-12 deca 400-600mgs, 1-12 eq 400, 1-4 dbol at 25-50, 1-4 adrol at 50mg, insulin pw at 3-4 iu's morning otherwise I get bad carpal tunnel, insulin humalog 10ius post workout and igf-1 des pre and post at 20-40mcgs. My diet will consist of 5,000+ calories consisting of 40-50 grams of protein per meal, 20-40 grams of carbs and 40-50 grams of fat will continually change. Carb cycling increasing and decreasing will have 8-10 carbs per Iu of slin with bcaas and 50-60 grams of protein post workout. My training will start with volume and will try for failure in every set. Never used igf-1 des prefer this over lr3 because of the half life being so short. Anybody's opinion would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    WHAT? Where did you come up with this cycle? 6 cycles at 23? And your taking insulin ? I hope your a professional body builder! Your heading down a road to will lead to a dependence on test for the rest of your life along with ED and Diabetes among other issues. What exactly are your goals here? Where did you come up with this cycle? Are you taking an AI, prolactin antagonist or HCG ?

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