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Thread: Test Levels seem low should I hit another cycle?

  1. #1
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Test Levels seem low should I hit another cycle?

    Recently had my test levels checked. Came out as 538 total. Last year was about 440. I hit two cycles about 4 years ago and did pct and everything correctly.. Or atleast I thought. Since then, family man, career with constant shift changing and clean dieting as much as possible and staying natural, no cycles. I feel like I kept a good amount of strength and size from the two cycles I did in the past. Still workout consistently. I feel like those test levels are low, but the doc says they are normal. I have buddies on AAS who say it's too low. I also have sources on hand if need be. Just want to get my levels in the 700-800 range as I feel they should be. Let me know what you guys think..

    27 y/0

  2. #2
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    If you cycle their going to be in 2500-4500 range. Those numbers you have now ain't that bad. Better than 200.

  3. #3
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    I hope to never get that low haha. Well if you think my numbers are good I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Last year when I had the 440 I was on midnight shift, now I'm on day shift so I'm assuming that is what account for the 100 point increase.

  4. #4
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW
    I hope to never get that low haha. Well if you think my numbers are good I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. Last year when I had the 440 I was on midnight shift, now I'm on day shift so I'm assuming that is what account for the 100 point increase.
    You can get different levels during the day. Fact is if your not feeling bad, and don't have no signs of low t than there is no reason to treat it. Now if you just want to do a cycle to bulk or cut, well that's a different story

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    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    I wouldn't say I feel great on a day to day basis, but I was just going under the notion that it's just life. But a good amount of guys I work with go to a clinic and get TRT and say it helps a lot. Just not sure why they have around same natural levels as me but they are told it's too low.

  6. #6
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    As far as reaping the amazing benefits from doing another AAS cycle, well I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it. But can live without it. I think I did it too young to begin with and I was not as knowledgable as I am now about dieting and programming. But I'm also not that single who had time to hit 2 a days whenever he wanted lol. If I was to do another cycle, I would want to hit some test and dbol again.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    As far as reaping the amazing benefits from doing another AAS cycle, well I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it. But can live without it. I think I did it too young to begin with and I was not as knowledgable as I am now about dieting and programming. But I'm also not that single who had time to hit 2 a days whenever he wanted lol. If I was to do another cycle, I would want to hit some test and dbol again.
    Your Total T level means absolutely nothing so stop worrying about it. Gauge your level by your Free T only as that is what does the work for you. If you have that on your BW post it up with the range please. Agree with what ppwc said above.
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  8. #8
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Your Total T level means absolutely nothing so stop worrying about it. Gauge your level by your Free T only as that is what does the work for you. If you have that on your BW post it up with the range please. Agree with what ppwc said above.
    All they gave me was the total. 538 with a range of 280-800

  9. #9
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Your Total T level means absolutely nothing so stop worrying about it. Gauge your level by your Free T only as that is what does the work for you. If you have that on your BW post it up with the range please. Agree with what ppwc said above.
    This, wasn't thinking kelkel. You should get your Free T checked because it could be low.

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Recently had my test levels checked. Came out as 538 total. Last year was about 440. I hit two cycles about 4 years ago and did pct and everything correctly.. Or atleast I thought. Since then, family man, career with constant shift changing and clean dieting as much as possible and staying natural, no cycles. I feel like I kept a good amount of strength and size from the two cycles I did in the past. Still workout consistently. I feel like those test levels are low, but the doc says they are normal. I have buddies on AAS who say it's too low. I also have sources on hand if need be. Just want to get my levels in the 700-800 range as I feel they should be. Let me know what you guys think..

    27 y/0
    They aren't low. You may like them higher, but most docs will have concerns about treating you since you are right smack in the middle. 700-800 is on the high side. Granted you are 27, but the majority of docs would be happy with that level. Docs at Anti-aging centers may treat you, but the decision is largely financial. I have a buddy who owns a treatment center and he usually treats men to sit between 500-600 and no higher.

    When test levels go higher, health risks increase and most docs would see no clinical utility in raising your test beyond where it is. I know other members here may disagree, but from a clinical management plan perspective, you would NOT need therapy.

    Now, your free T is an entirely different matter as suggested above.

    Off cycle, my levels are about 150. THAT'S LOW!

  11. #11
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    They aren't low. You may like them higher, but most docs will have concerns about treating you since you are right smack in the middle. 700-800 is on the high side. Granted you are 27, but the majority of docs would be happy with that level. Docs at Anti-aging centers may treat you, but the decision is largely financial. I have a buddy who owns a treatment center and he usually treats men to sit between 500-600 and no higher.

    When test levels go higher, health risks increase and most docs would see no clinical utility in raising your test beyond where it is. I know other members here may disagree, but from a clinical management plan perspective, you would NOT need therapy.

    Now, your free T is an entirely different matter as suggested above.

    Off cycle, my levels are about 150. THAT'S LOW!
    Well that puts things in perspective thank you. I will have to ask my doc next visit to get my free test results as well. He didn't even ask me if I wanted it this time. If you don't mind me asking why is yours so low? Is it from using AAS? Or just naturally?

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Well that puts things in perspective thank you. I will have to ask my doc next visit to get my free test results as well. He didn't even ask me if I wanted it this time. If you don't mind me asking why is yours so low? Is it from using AAS? Or just naturally?
    Many docs run basic panels. One of my colleagues was running a male hormone panel today for a patient. I told him to add an E2 sensitive assay. He asked why. I said, because you will thank me later. lol.

    I don't mind you asking at all. No, my entire life I never had my test levels measured. Never really thought to. My training was recreational and limited to 2-3 times a week while I put myself through school - which was my priority. Once I was along my career path, I invested more time and effort into my fitness. About 3 1/2 years into an intense training program, I was feeling tired and a bit lethargic. I decided to run my labs and test all hormones. Everything was normal but my free and bound test, which were shockingly low. I had never used any form of anabolic or pro hormone at any time. It's possible they had been low my entire life and I was just asymptomatic. I had an MRI done which was clear so my low T was idiopathic (no known cause). I put myself on TRT and after two years of TRT, decided to try a full cycle of test only at 500mg/wk (my TRT was 150 mg/wk). My levels responded as expected. After running two successful cycles, I decided to quit, cold turkey, to see where my levels would bounce back to naturally. I didn't expect it to go above 160 since I low it was naturally low. By the 6th week of no treatment, I literally hit a wall. I was lethargic, somnolent, had little strength, muscle aches, joint pain, no libido. I ran my labs and the total test came back at 62 and free T was below 3. Levels that clinically would be considered equivalent to chemical castration.

    So, needless to say, TRT is a life long necessity for me because test levels THAT low are extremely unpleasant.

  13. #13
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Wow man sorry to hear that but on the other hand glad there is a solution to that problem and I'm sure your kicking ass now! So it's possible to have a good number in total T, but an extremely low number in free and bound?

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    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Wow man sorry to hear that but on the other hand glad there is a solution to that problem and I'm sure your kicking ass now! So it's possible to have a good number in total T, but an extremely low number in free and bound?
    Yes, always a good idea to run a complete panel. Total T alone doesn't give the full story.

    Yes, TRT is a huge deal for many men when used correctly and labs are tracked to keep the individual safe.

  15. #15
    Deequarius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Recently had my test levels checked. Came out as 538 total.
    I'm 18 and my natural test levels are only about 100 higher than yours man. 500 isn't that bad. Did you make sure to test right away in the morning and get a good amount of sleep the days before your blood test?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Yes, always a good idea to run a complete panel. Total T alone doesn't give the full story.

    Yes, TRT is a huge deal for many men when used correctly and labs are tracked to keep the individual safe.
    Good luck my man!
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-11-2014 at 05:24 AM. Reason: To include the gals as well ... Oops Sorry!

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Great advice above. In the Finding A Doc sticky thread in the HRT Forum is an example of full BW to obtain. Many things can suppress T levels and full BW is the only way to assess potential issues, unless idiopathic as MI referenced.

    ps: I was at a 59 T level (and dropping) when I started treatment. It sucked.
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  18. #18
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deequarius View Post
    I'm 18 and my natural test levels are only about 100 higher than yours man. 500 isn't that bad. Did you make sure to test right away in the morning and get a good amount of sleep the days before your blood test?
    The test was done in the morning but I had a 20 minute drive to get there. I was also told to fast that night. Got about seven hours of sleep. Which is about average for me

  19. #19
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Great advice above. In the Finding A Doc sticky thread in the HRT Forum is an example of full BW to obtain. Many things can suppress T levels and full BW is the only way to assess potential issues, unless idiopathic as MI referenced.

    ps: I was at a 59 T level (and dropping) when I started treatment. It sucked.
    For future reference if I ever have to go on TRT, how does it affect a normal cycle? Do you let the doctor know about the other AAS usage?

  20. #20
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    It doesn't effect it other than there's never a need for PCT. You simply return to your normal TRT protocol.
    I would not let your doctor know unless your relationship is better than most. You do not want anything in your file re AAS cycles.
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  21. #21
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    It doesn't effect it other than there's never a need for PCT. You simply return to your normal TRT protocol.
    I would not let your doctor know unless your relationship is better than most. You do not want anything in your file re AAS cycles.
    I understand.. Next doctor apt is in September. I'll have him put in a for a full testosterone blood lab and let you guys know what the numbers are. Thanks for the advice and information.

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