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  1. #1
    mesophyte is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2014

    Thinking of Extending & adding Clen. Opinions?

    Hi guys!

    I'm just over a week into my first cycle.

    1-6 pharma grade oxandrolone 60mg / day
    1-6 test prop 300mg / week
    1-6 HCG 500iu / week

    I'll start my AI when it finally arrives (0.5mg eod). It is taking longer than expected but I should have it next week.

    (followed by standard pct protocol)

    I've decided to focus a bit more on cutting during this cycle and in this 1 week I have already seem myself off to a nice start.

    I'd like your opinion on the following:

    1. I am interested in possibly extending my cycle. Would it be interesting to extend just the test prop and hcg or should I extend the oxan too? How long of an extension do you recommend?

    2. I am very interested in adding clenbuterol (most interested in the "Incrementing Clenbuterol Cycle" as described here). Would this have a nice synergy with my cycle?

    3. Is T3 necessary or just nice to add?

    4. Should I continue clen through my PCT?

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Your planned AI dosage is likely way too high, 0.25mg EOD is where you should start.

    How did you arrive at that test dosage?

    If your var really is pharma grade your dose will be too high, 40mg would be sufficient. What brand is it?

    You can run both the prop and var for 8 weeks. You really don't need to run clen too, your results will be dictated by your diet and throwing several compounds at it will only lead to the potential for more side effects and an inability to treat them because you have no idea which is causing what problem.

  3. #3
    mesophyte is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Your planned AI dosage is likely way too high, 0.25mg EOD is where you should start.
    Ok, I can do that I hope. I'm not sure how small the pills will be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    How did you arrive at that test dosage?
    I was originally test-shy and was going to run an oxandrolone-only cycle until I came to my senses. Then I was going to use the bare minimum of test just to cover my own natty production oxan might suppress. Then just before I started the cycle I decided to make the best of it and use more reasonable doses to actually have some benefit from the test especially since I'll be doing a full pct anyway and be several months before I cycle again. Do you think it is too high or too low?

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    If your var really is pharma grade your dose will be too high, 40mg would be sufficient. What brand is it?
    Landerlan which is a pharmaceutical company in Paraguay. It is regulated by their equivalent of the FDA. It is not an ugl. I think their stuff is pretty rare in north america and europe where most of you guys are probably from. I use their test prop too.

    The guys on the local forums don't lower the dosage based on it being pharma grade. I've even received suggestions to increase to 80mg. They assume that the dosing guidelines of oxan for bodybuilding are assuming real oxandrolone and not a fake or underdosed product. Is that a wrong assumption to make? I decided to take the middle ground between 40 and 80 and go with 60mg. I've been surprised by how different the advice is from the local forums than this one but I trust you guys more. This is a much more active community with older and more experienced members.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    You can run both the prop and var for 8 weeks. You really don't need to run clen too, your results will be dictated by your diet and throwing several compounds at it will only lead to the potential for more side effects and an inability to treat them because you have no idea which is causing what problem.
    You think 8 weeks of pharma grade oxan at 60mg per day is not too much strain on my liver?

    Would it be stupid to extend the test and hcg by an extra 2 weeks (for 8 weeks total) but not the oxan?

    Perhaps adding clen to the mix at that point would be ok as I wouldn't be on oxan anymore?

    The point is that I'm interested in giving clen a shot. I just need to figure out the most ideal placement of it.
    Last edited by mesophyte; 07-12-2014 at 11:27 AM.

  4. #4
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would just save the Clen until after PCT when all of the gear is out of your system. Clen is just harsh on your vitals and AAS can be too. I tried the Clen on a basic test cycle and was seeing a huge increase in tachycardia and hypertension which I already see a little from any AAS cycle I have done.

    You can do it, guys have done it, I would just say wait so you are easier on your body. Not to mention your metabolism is sped up by your cycle. I would save the Clen for when it is slowing down again to extend those benefits further.

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