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Thread: Ester Experts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The Bean

    Ester Experts

    ive got 10nile sust amps, 2extra testoviron enan amps and 200 d-bols

    i'm wondering what is the best way to use the enanthate?...theres so many different esters i know this isnt ideal but I was thinking of 10wks of sust and adding the enan in wks 5&6
    1-4wks d-bol 30mg/d
    1-10wks sust250/wk(i know its a low dose)
    5&6wk introduce the enan as the peak test levels are reached
    any other ideas are appreciated

    thanks 4 the expertice-btw i know im not using much test! this is pretty much my 1st cycle-about a yr ago i did 7wks of dbol only(stupid)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    You really don't have enough test here to work with, but if you insist on doing this at a low dose like this, which I would not, just add two weeks onto your cycle and use the testovirons at the end. This is just a suggestion for what you have, but I would highly recommend that you get some more test so you'll have something to work with.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    you should really get more gear. that amount of test isnt a whole lot more than what your body naturally produces. growth only comes from shocking your body with more test than its used to. get more gear is my advice. 10 amps of sust is enough for 3-5 weeks, not 10.

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