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Thread: Processed Through Sort Facility?

  1. #1

    Angry Processed Through Sort Facility?

    I have (had? ) some gear coming from international source. Two packages got sent out. The one that my supplier said was going to take longer came in about 11 days and the other is just saying processes through sort facility. They both hit at the same time(18th june). Over 30 days in los angeles isc. Question. Has anyone ever seen package stuck
    in isc for that long and then get moving again and or still receive your gear?

    The pills came through fine but 8 vials are having problems. How long before letter or update?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Seen orders 30 plus days.
    Nothing you can really do till you get a seizure letter.
    Waiting game sucks time to buy domestic

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, To be honest. This Was my first order ever of gear and dudes around the gym said it was legit so I figured I'd try it. Got an experienced person that is gunna cycle with me so that's good. Guess I'm just glad that there is still a possibility that I'll still get it. Definitely over the waiting game for sure.

    Did tracking ever update or it just appeared at your door in 30+ days?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    that tracking is crap.
    Most online company will resend it if you get a seizure letter or you just never get it.
    The sender knows if you don't get it that's why you sign for it.
    I too thought I got burnt from a place that I ordered from numerous times but around the 50 day mark it showed up, the place will tell you to wait up to 60 days then email them.
    Also randomly check with post office make sure you didn't miss them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Southeast USA
    Agreed, tracking is crap^^^. What you are dealing with is not unusual. It's why many choose to deal with only domestic sources. And, just saying, if you purchase internationally you will at some point have your gear seized and/or simply get ripped off. Buyer beware. Best of luck, and it will probably work out fine!

  6. #6
    Yeah, I got one package and that stuff was legit (dbol and clen) so that's good. Really appreciate the replies. This limbo time waiting blows! :-)
    Last edited by diggler1523; 07-20-2014 at 05:44 AM.

  7. #7
    Update, no word on that original shipment and sitting at the 45 day Mark. My supplier was cool enough to resend some other products. He split it up and I got one of the resend but now it looks like I'm having problems again with the second package. This is getting ridiculous. Why does everyone on here claim international checks like 5% of all packages, but here I am having a less than 50% success rate. I'm 2 of 4 with packages.Am I just unlucky as hell?, does my supplier need to be more discreet, domestic have way better rate of success? Thoughts?

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