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  1. #1
    Baseball_Bags is offline New Member
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    Cycle advice for athlete

    Hey guys I just had a question that I'm sure most of you can answer. I play baseball at a competitive level and was going to do a cycle in the fall to get ready for the spring season. I was planning on just doing test cyp but I've been looking into winstrol dbol etc. my question is since I've heard winstrol would make me ache and feel dry and could lead to injury, what's the best gear to take to stack with my test prop ? Also I plan on taking a cycle mid season too so I can end well and as best as possible. Bad idea? Any info would help

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    At 21 you have no business introducing hormones into your body.
    Your HPTA is still developing and you could cause long term hormonal damage.
    Your body currently produces major amounts of testosterone so all that is needed to excel is proper nutrition and training.

  3. #3
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This is taken from a members thread that took steroids at a young age. "Anyway, Long story short guys. Don't be misconcepted about these steroids that it will make your balls shrink only. This is based on my experience that they DO have ability to shrink your D**k. They may affect differently on you but you can't completely eliminate its chances of affecting your D**k.

    Specially if you are using this under the age of 22 when your hormonal level is on the peak and by injecting external hormones simply means messing up your system. ."

    So your hormones are very high due to your age, so learn to eat, train and sleep and you will see great results. You do not need any AAS.

  4. #4
    Deequarius's Avatar
    Deequarius is offline Associate Member
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    Bruh.. I did a 6 weeks of a cycle before my blood work came back that it was bunk but only now do I realize that I was playing with fire. Eat more and train harder. If you feel like you couldn't do either any more than you already do I guarantee you that you can. Diet and intensity is key bro. And minimize drinking. That's a big factor too

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