OK Ladies,
Just skimming over alot of the stuff you guys have stickied on the board, some I really don't think I need while others I will defiantly go back and read through. Thank you in advance for all the hard work you guys put into this and making things easier for the new folk.
Now on to my question. I'm not looking to get ripped, my line of training I do not really need to be super ripped. However I wouldn't mind the Eric Lillibridge look. Are all the newbie stacks on the site just a recommendation? Is there a stack I could take that would be better then the ones listed?
I'm sitting at 279 pounds, on a modified westside template making gains like a boss. However I know I need to step my game up if I'm ever going to be the strongest raw lifter on the planet and a future WSM contender.
What have you guys used that boosted your strength through the roof?
Pretty sure I didn't cover everything you might need to help me out, so I'll be on stand by.