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Thread: Cycle Planning Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Cycle Planning Help

    Looking to start my 4th cycle and try out some mild dosed tren ace and anavar for the first time. Here's what I am thinking with one little wrench thrown in near the end...

    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks....heres the wrench

    armidex on hand, may take .25mg ED from start or wait until IF I see some signs of sides.
    HCG 10 days 350iu ED
    Nolvadex 2 weeks 40mg ED - 2 weeks 20mg ED.

    So here is my problem with the anavar... at end of week 8, after tren finishes, I have to travel for 1 week and brining gear isn't an option. So I figure I have 3 options with the anavar on my cycle and wasn't sure which one would be the most appropriate.

    OPTION 1: anavar at beginning of cycle.
    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks 1-6

    OPTION 2: anavar at end of cycle and continued past end of test use.
    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks 9-15

    OPTION 3: anavar started mid cycle and halted for 1 week.
    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks 5-12 with 1 week off at week 8

    Please let me know your opinion on which option you would choose and why. Also any thoughts on changing my test shot from 100mg EOD to 1 bigger shot on day I need to leave and a second bigger catch up shot on day 7 for the one week. I know its far from ideal but unfortunately I travel a lot and this is nearly the best and only window of opportunity.

    Thanks, cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    I guess I could run var for only 5 weeks (option 2) then start pct. That would mean var would end 2 weeks after ending test e which is pretty close to proper pct start time anyways with long ester correct?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    5 year member cool. You hang out and read stuff.
    Teste is a long Ester and is pinned twice a week. Use prop mixed with tren.
    Pct is way off. Is that what you been using and did you get blood work.
    Ai is not something you "may take" you need to research and plan this out a little better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Any suggestions? My cycle was based off this cycle Intermediate Steroid Cycles II

    Test p not available, and even tho test e is long ester I've never been informed that doing smaller more frequent injections is in any way a bad thing unless I'm wrong but I thought it was actually a good thing...

    Please correct or at least suggest changes to my purposed cycle if I am indeed way off and again keep in mind I wasn't copying that cycle found on this site but reconstructing a milder version with slightly lesser values.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by kashalp View Post
    Looking to start my 4th cycle and try out some mild dosed tren ace and anavar for the first time. Here's what I am thinking with one little wrench thrown in near the end...

    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks....heres the wrench

    armidex on hand, may take .25mg ED from start or wait until IF I see some signs of sides.
    HCG 10 days 350iu ED
    Nolvadex 2 weeks 40mg ED - 2 weeks 20mg ED.

    So here is my problem with the anavar... at end of week 8, after tren finishes, I have to travel for 1 week and brining gear isn't an option. So I figure I have 3 options with the anavar on my cycle and wasn't sure which one would be the most appropriate.

    OPTION 1: anavar at beginning of cycle.
    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks 1-6

    OPTION 2: anavar at end of cycle and continued past end of test use.
    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks 9-15

    OPTION 3: anavar started mid cycle and halted for 1 week.
    100mg Test E EOD weeks 1-12
    50mg Tren A EOD week 1-8
    50mg Anavar ED weeks 5-12 with 1 week off at week 8

    Please let me know your opinion on which option you would choose and why. Also any thoughts on changing my test shot from 100mg EOD to 1 bigger shot on day I need to leave and a second bigger catch up shot on day 7 for the one week. I know its far from ideal but unfortunately I travel a lot and this is nearly the best and only window of opportunity.

    Thanks, cheers
    This being your 4th cycle you should know that thus cycle is a car crash!!

    Go back to basics and stick with long ester test for 12 weeks

    Arimidex is not too keep on hand or for pct.....why would you want to get sides?

    No mention of clomid for pct?

    Dont think you should be taking this that and the other when you have no idea of what your doing.

    Sorry but if you have run previous cycles then you should know this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    I'd love to see the first 3 cycles you ran.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Stats 33yrs old, 5"11, 210lbs 12-14% bf.

    Although this may sound defensive it is not meant to be. But there is a reason a 5 year member only has 85 or so posts. After reading and browsing this forum for the last half decade I try to avoid the bro science or back and forth non productive convos. Now saying that it seems like it's nearly impossible to get accurate straight up info with no backup or reasoning.

    Are the pre laid out suggested cycles posted on the very front pages of this site unsafe, inaccurate, or car crashes?

    Nolva and Clomid for pct? Is this really necessary or just extra precaution or dare I say killing a fly with a canon? Please by all means educate me as I will admit my cycle experience and decisions is 95% based on what info I find on these very pages. The cycles written by the creators of this site that I believe we should all trust to give us accurate info suggest 2 options for pct either Nolva or Clomid not both.

    Im not prone to sides nor have I ever had any noticeable signs in my previous 3 cycles. I mentioned keeping the Arimidex on hand but since that's is so far the only constructive crit I've received so far in this thread I will add it to my cycle at .5mg EOD for the full duration. Thank you.

    The mentioned substances above are what I have to work with. The amounts, durations, or timing can be altered but it's not like I can return them so please help me alter my cycle to one more appropriate if I'm way off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Well don't take this the wrong way but a 5 year member who has run 3 other cycles should know the answer to the question he is asking. IMO. Good luck

    And you don't want bro science rhetoric , but how will you know if you get 10 different people posting 10 different opinions what is bro science or not? Again good luck.
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 07-28-2014 at 03:10 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    3 previous cycles with different compounds in 5 years. Wouldn't exactly call that an experienced user. As originally stated first time trying tren and var. yea I don't want bro science but when a helpful, reputuable and knowledgable member gives some advice I generally take his/her comments into consideration. Not saying I follow it to a tee, I make my own choices in the end as we all do, but having a baseline or at least a general census makes the decision easier.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Pct is always pretty much the same unless coming off a long cycle. Should be the same you ran after the first 3 cycles
    Novla 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50/50

    Ai should be run throughout any cycle as with hcg not just when needed like your 1 st 3 cycles.

    With out know previous cycles with compounds and doses with gains made and kept its hard for anyone to give advice especially adding tren on the 4 th cycle which is not necessary.

    I hope you see why reading you initial post shows lack of knowledge at this stage. And when asked what your previous protocol you refuse to answer. It's impossible to guide you with out all the info. But to answe your question I would scrap the above and start over. Knowledgable or not that's a fact.

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