Im in the process of finishing what will be a 22 week cycle. I was attempting to follow a new way (to me) of cycling my steriod intake. One of Dave's suggestion was a 30 week cycle: 1000mg test
50 mg winni eod
75 mg tren ace. eod
50 mg eq eod
(The last three items changed for the first 10 and 20 weeks of the cycle, example: 400 mg deca instedd of the winni)
I started to take 1000 mg of test about 5 weeks into the cycle and I could only last 2 weeks. My face was always red, my ears were on fire, giant zits on my neck that friggin hurt like a son of a bitch.
I couldnt even imagine taking all that other stuff with 1000 mg already raging through my body.
What are your folks opinions on one of Dave suggestions for a cycle like the one above? Does it work, or is it just plain retarded?