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Thread: To bridge or not to bridge

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    To bridge or not to bridge

    Been off first cylce for oh...maybe 7wks. Is there something I could use until my next which isn't until Aug.

    First cycle:

    Dbol 25mg/d wks 1-6
    Omnadren 250 500mg/wk wks 1-12
    Eq 400mg/wk wks 1-12
    Winny depot 50mg ED wks 8-13

    Second might be:

    1-4 75mg Prop ED
    1-13 500mg Enan
    1-12 400mg EQ
    7-15 75mg Fina ED


    1-4 75mg Prop ED
    1-13 500mg Enan
    1-12 400mg EQ
    8-13 75mg Winny depot ED

    Like maybe some oral winny tabs or dbol with some clen?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I don't recommend it. I see no reason for you to bridge between cycles at this point. Since this is your first cycle I assume you have no experience with insulin or HGH. I would just wait for the next one and make sure your diet and workouts are on point.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Why dont you just start now?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Reason i don't start now is because I was under the impression that you're suppose to wait for the same amount of time as you were on. So don't do some winny or anavar or halo or anadrol with my clen? I was thinking anavar because iread this "oral oxandrolone has been shown to decrease subcutaneous abdominal fat more than testosterone enanthate or weight loss alone, and it also tended to produce favorable changes in visceral fat." What do ya guys think?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ive used 20mg Var in between cycles with not much decrease in my test. Little, but not enough to not do it again.

    Id just start again. Time on = time off is bologna. Someone decided it was a good rule of thumb to restore your HTPA. Blood test is the only thing thats gonna really tell ya that though. A better guide, do you get 2 monring woods in a row? IF so, your HTPA is most likely back Im serious too btw.

    I see no reason to wait personally though. Your going to shut it back down anyways and surely in the 7wks if you did clomid you got things stimulated at least. Then again, Im a fan of 20wks + cycles anyways.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I hear ya B.B. I actually had blood work done yesterday and have an appointment thurs. for physical and test results. I'm confident I'm back to normal. cause even when I had blood work done a week after I was off. My doc still said the test was good. Gonna get a copy of them on Thurs. SO what do you think of my SECOND cycle choices? Being that you're a fan of twenty + wk cycles? And are ya saying it's ok to do the var if I WAS going to wait til aug? I'm trying to get down to 7%-9% bf from 13%-15% before I start the next one. Which I can do easily once I stop procrastinating and hit those step classes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I like the first one you proposed. If your test levels are good..go for it. Yes, I meant do the var now if you wanted to wait till aug. But, it could suppress you..itll vary. 20mg ED for 3 months didnt too me..but could for you.

    If you were getting var, id add it into your next cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    So like this:

    1-4 75mg Prop ED
    1-13 500mg Enan
    1-12 400mg EQ
    7-15 75mg Fina ED

    And how should I add the var into this cycle? Also If I waited til Aug. could I do Var+Clen+T3 til then? Say at six weeks for the var and t3 and 1 wk on 1wk off for clen. Or should I just do the cycle above with the var added along with the clen and T3. Or just wait for the clen and T3 post cycle?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    IF it was me...

    Id do it all now.

    What you have and then the var like wks 1-6 40mg ED I like var though, but unless you get it cheap..Id prob skip it.

    You could do var/clen/t3 now if you wanted too.

    I guess for me to really decide, it would be up to my goals. Am i trying to cut or bulk with your second cycle. If cut, id start it now with the other stuff.

    IF the bulk, Id do a low dose var, low dose T3 with the clen now.

    sometimes im just crazy though lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    It is to bulk but I want my bf to be around 10% before I bulk up again.
    What would a low dose Var,T3 and clen cycle look like?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Var 20mg/d wks 1-6
    Clen Cycled normally 1wk on 1wk off
    T3 80mcgs/ed wks 1-6


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I wouldnt go high on the T3. 60mcg is the highest Id go.

    Id start with 40mcg day 1-2. Day 3-21to 60mcg, 22-28 40mcg, 29-37 20mcg

    I do the clen 2wks on/ 2kws off myself. But go with what you like.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Do you think the VAR should be 30 mg a day for six weeks? Or is 20mg/d for six weeks ok? Is it worth it to do 20mg/d?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I thought it was kinda nice on 20mg ED. nothing spectacular of course, but it kept all the gains in a positive direction, which was the goal.

    I think with a low dose of T3, it is enough to keep your muscles from being burned away.

    Over 20mg, you raise the chances of it really shutting your htpa back down.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks B.B.! I'll stick to the 20 mg/ed 1-6. I've read that it's a good idea to take clomid post cycle. I read at 40mg/ed that 50mg/ed of clomid for two weeks is a good idea. Do you think it's needed with 20mg/ed?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Well it wont hurt. So Id say yes.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    B.B. one more question. What should I expect from the 20mg/ed of the var for six weeks? Anypumps or strength gains?

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