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Thread: Pain/redness at injection site

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Pain/redness at injection site

    Yesterday my GF injected me in my glute and 3-4 hours later I worked legs....when I came back from the gym and sat down to eat my ass hurt a little. I had her look at it and there is a red spot at the injection point. This was last still hurts the same.

    We did some research last night and a lot of people online suggested to circle the red area with a sharpie and if the redness spreads past it then it's an infection. Well it's been 10 hours so far and it hasn't spread but it still hurts so I figured I would post here and see what the most experienced guys had to say.

    I am not having any symptoms and the gear/sterilization process we used has all been the same throughout the last couple months. Never had this issue before. Only thing I can think of that was different is my shirt did lightly touch the area after sterilizing (similar occurrences have taken place before with no adverse issues) and she said there was a big pocket of air when she started injecting in the syringe, meaning i gave her the needle with 2CC of gear and .5CC of air. She said she didn't inject the air but she also said it was way harder to pin this time so I am thinking that has something to do with it..but it never hurts to be safe.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I think 10 hours is still early too say something. But it could be an infection. Pain,red area,swelling are symptoms of infection. if its still there and if there is no decrease of symptoms think about taking some antibiotics.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    ^^^^ good info there also watch your temperature but it's probably just sore. Make sure you take your time injecting. When I inject it takes over a minute I go slow take my time almost never get pip anymore. Remember the higher gauge needle the hard the stream comes out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I had redness, swelling, pain, and edema on both legs every time I injected test e for 5 weeks straight. Pain lasted up to a week on several occasions. There was no infection. It appeared infected every time though just from redness. Virgin muscles were my issue. That was all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by jesse4466 View Post
    I had redness, swelling, pain, and edema on both legs every time I injected test e for 5 weeks straight. Pain lasted up to a week on several occasions. There was no infection. It appeared infected every time though just from redness. Virgin muscles were my issue. That was all.
    Erythema (redness to skin) typically caused by hyperemia (increased blood flow) and associated with warm skin in the area of injection is generally an inflammatory response to local trauma. It's common.

    If you're sticking a one inch needle into the muscle and injecting a viscous substance such as oil based anabolic steroids, you should expect a small local reaction. It's common. It's not virgin muscles. Your muscles aren't virgins, lol. Injecting a needle into your muscle is going to cause a small reaction. If your hand is unsteady (so maybe you have virgin injection techniques) the inflammatory response will be a bit greater.

    Your muscles are neither virgins or sluts. Lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

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