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  1. #1
    davesbus08 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2014

    1st cycle. critique please

    Hey guys! So I'm new to the forum. As you can tell from the title. So I have decided to run a my first cycle of test 400 for 10 weeks. I plan on doing 400 mg a week with hcg at 500 ui's a week with adex at .5 eod.

    And the after 2 weeks from last pin will run Clomid at 75,50,50,25 nolvadex at 40,20,20,20. With that being said. What is your opinion on my cycle.

    I'm 28 yrs old 6'-1" 235 with about 18% bf. I'm in perfect condition as far as helath is concerned. I'm coming to you guys for help to keep it that way. Thanks for your help!!!

  2. #2
    Deequarius's Avatar
    Deequarius is offline Associate Member
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    How do you plan on dosing your hCG throughout the week? I would decrease your adex dosage to 0.25 and increase if sides continue or increase. Also you should try and lose some BF. You're putting yourself at an increased risk for gyno and other sides. Have you had precycle blood work yet?

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Here's my typical response to your cycle:

    1) How many years this last time have you intensly spent in the gym?
    2) What is your nutrition plan? TDEE? Caloric intake above/below TDEE? Grams of protein you consume daily?
    3) And what is this cycle supposed to do for you? (aka... what are your goals?)

  4. #4
    davesbus08 is offline New Member
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    I get blood work done at least twice a year. Due to the field I'm in last one was a couple months ago and everything came back fine. All well with in normal range. Went to Dr last week for check up and all was fine there I will inject the hgc. Yes my bf has increased due to the fact that my wife was pregnant and I had to take some time away from training. I've spent basically the last 4 yrs in the gym with the last year training with a bud to compete. Minus the "baby weight" I gained from my wife being pregnant and a new dad. Gained some weight but I can easily lose no worries. I plan on taking any where from 175-200 grams of protein followed with 150 or so of complex carbohydrates. Depending on energy may increase as the weeks go on. I've always kept fat pretty simple with avocados on training days and almonds for the fat needed with meals. Plan on eating every couple hrs to keep a constant source of protein and carbs cycling through my diet. Although from what I understand you typically intake more calories. So that will also be taken into consideration. With food. I WILL EAT CLEAN. With that said the increased muscle gain will naturally speed up my metabolism followed by 3-4 days of cardio after work outs. I will also focused more on the negative when I work out.

  5. #5
    davesbus08 is offline New Member
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    So if I were to get gyno is it reversible? So if I take the .25 is that ed or eod?

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davesbus08 View Post
    I get blood work done at least twice a year. Due to the field I'm in last one was a couple months ago and everything came back fine. All well with in normal range. Went to Dr last week for check up and all was fine there I will inject the hgc. Yes my bf has increased due to the fact that my wife was pregnant and I had to take some time away from training. I've spent basically the last 4 yrs in the gym with the last year training with a bud to compete. Minus the "baby weight" I gained from my wife being pregnant and a new dad. Gained some weight but I can easily lose no worries. I plan on taking any where from 175-200 grams of protein followed with 150 or so of complex carbohydrates. Depending on energy may increase as the weeks go on. I've always kept fat pretty simple with avocados on training days and almonds for the fat needed with meals. Plan on eating every couple hrs to keep a constant source of protein and carbs cycling through my diet. Although from what I understand you typically intake more calories. So that will also be taken into consideration. With food. I WILL EAT CLEAN. With that said the increased muscle gain will naturally speed up my metabolism followed by 3-4 days of cardio after work outs. I will also focused more on the negative when I work out.
    I'm not trying to upset you, but it seems clear to me you do not have a solid understanding of nutrition. between your protein intake (200 grams) and your carb intake (150 grams), you total those up and that only comes up to 1,400 calories per day? what are you going to do, finish off the rest of your caloric requirement with fat?

    another related point. even if 200 grams of protein per day, unless you are very small, both in height and weight, you are not consuming enough protein. If I had your stats, I could calculate your minimum protein requirement. Utilizing the basic formula for minimum protein requirement as 1.5 grams of protein per one pound of Lean Body Mass, your LBM would weigh 133 pounds. Is that your size? If not, then not enough protein.

    Look mate. almost 100% of all the newbs that come here say "I eat clean" what ever that means. I don't know what that means, do you? And if you are not eating in a caloric surplus with sufficient protein, then you are light years away from being ready to cycle.

    Post up your stats and let's have a look.........


  7. #7
    davesbus08 is offline New Member
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    . Roman that's why I'm here. I need guidance. No body just jumped into this with know how. Not that I know of. I will take you advice in great regard. That's why I'm here. As far as what I was eating before . That worked for me when I was leaner and didn't gain pregnancy baby weight haha. I was at one time 212 lbs 10% bf. I stand today at 6'-1" and I'm 235 lbs. Eating clean to me is chicken , lean ground turkey, lean ground beef, wild caught salmon, farm raised tallapia. Meat of that sort. All veggies except for corn or more or less all green veggies. Sweet potatoes yams and brown rice for carbs. No ketchup or mayonnaise or any kinds of dressing except a vinaigrette. So sugar or juices. I will drink Sun brewed tea and a bunch of water. I plan on working out muscle groups individually with cardio eod. That's plan or maybe 2 groups a day. Idk depends on how the test hits me. So help me dude. What do you think?

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