I am taking qv enatat 250. I am going to take 500mg /w. Only problem is that shit leaves the injected area red and sore for like a week. Has anyone noticed this? If so, any ideas on how to avoid or help this cause?
I am taking qv enatat 250. I am going to take 500mg /w. Only problem is that shit leaves the injected area red and sore for like a week. Has anyone noticed this? If so, any ideas on how to avoid or help this cause?
Practice your injection technique. The more times you stick yourself, the better you'll get. Make sure the needle does not twist or shake while it's in you...I found this to be the main cause of post injection soreness.
Are you blotting the area with rubbing alcohol first? And using a brand new, never been touched needle?
Yes, clean, brand new pins everytime, along with disenffecting the area as well. It must just be the gear, bc i shot fina last night, and have to redness or soreness!?
soreness is due to the BA content i think. well, what u can do is warm the vial before u withdraw the enth or just heat teh synringe with warm water after withdrawing it. i find this reduces soreness.
really? I am assuming by this the BA content drops? Or no?
soreness is due to the BA content i think. well, what u can do is warm the vial before u withdraw the enth or just heat teh synringe with warm water after withdrawing it. i find this reduces soreness
I think the soreness is due to BA but the redness/irritation is due to injection technique. I found that injecting too fast, not deeply enough (ex:using 1inch in glutes) or moving around too much all cause the irritation you seem to be describing. Just having a sore muslce after injection can of course be caused by all of the above, but unless you're allergic to BA I doubt it would cause the redness/irritation.
I agree with the bros...it's a combination of technique as well as the particular AS and its BA content. What AS brands you using bro?
If you can, cut it with some EQ or deca and that should take the pain right away
yeah, thats what i would usually do, just don't have any right now
So you're using QV enanthate AND fina? How is their new tren? Anyway, I can relate about running a cycle and not having what you need at the time. I'd say just be very relaxed when you do the injections, don't shake, and you shouldn't have much soreness later bro. Warm up the juice in the syringe under running hot water before you stick it in, that will help.Originally posted by marshdiggs
Oh yeah, and where are you injecting? I stick to the glutes mainly. Every time I've tried other muscles, I get terribly red and sore for days. Maybe try the glutes bro...plenty of tissue to work with there.
And I hope you're not injecting more than 2 CCs into glutes/quads or 1CC into delts/arms, etc.
QV enantat, Fina was made by a freind. I used to go delts with the test but not no more, too painful. I just stick to the glutes... fina goes delts, and hopefully, other places if i get the balls to try bi's and quads....
ps= your pic, if that's you, looks awesome
I had the same problem with qv test also but not with any other brands. So I wont use qv anymore. My friend also took it and had the same thing happen. I would switch brands if I were you.
might have to... it sux, too, bc my source has all dencal/qv
Soreness can also come from the crystals that are left in the tissue after the oil is absorbed.
fella- I tried 1 1/2 inch in glutes.... I also tried warming the syringe. Neither worked... Still sore as hell! Must be allergic. I think I'm going to try to the test with Fina.....
I know how you feel bro. I shot 1.5 CCs into each quad Friday night and I'm still limping. Sitting on toilet seats and getting into cars are 2 very tough tasks when you're quads are swollen, sore and red. I had to shoot into an already swollen glute last night because I refuse to hit other muscles. At least with glute soreness, you can still function with daily activities. When you take out your delts or quads, you become like a vegetable.
definately true...
thats why i put it in the glutes.,.
cant even do quads wit test... only fina...
I'm gonna cut the test wit fina and see
I dont think that you are allergic to the BA content at all. You are not cutting the enantate. I have the same problem with T400. Either you cut it of suffer the consequenses. Get something else it just isnt worth you incapacitating your self when you know what it is.
Guys, great news!
I have been cutting the enantate for the past week or so. The results have been great. I mix 1 cc of Fina with 1/2 cc of Enantate. I love it. I can go anywhere (glutes, quads, delts,) with virtually no pain.
And the cycle is going great!
thnx for all help on this thread!
That's good to hear marsh. And I only have 1 week to go with this sust, so I'm sucking up the pain. 4 more weeks of winny and primo should not be a problem, it's the sust that killed me.
pumpseeker, just sent you a pm..
chk it out
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