Hi guys, I'm ready to start my first cycle and wanted to get your opinions on what I'm trying to do. I've done a lot of research and think I have a pretty solid cycle set up, but want further insight. After reading many forums, I've realized that these often turn into arguments between members or insults thrown at the original person who posted. I'm reaching out to everyone please respond in a helpful matter. Thank you in advance.
Age: 26
Height : 5' 8
Weight 170-175
BF %: 12-13%
Bench: 255
Squat: 335 - Haven't squatted in 2 months, coming off tendon injury, will be fully healed by the time I cycle.
Deadlift: 365
Training for 8 years on and off, 3.5 years solid.
Current Diet - Pretty Clean
(Give or take 10%):
Around 3,000 calories
Protein: 300 grams
Carbs: 200 grams
Proposed Diet - Clean
(Give or take 10%):
Around 5,000 Calories
Protein: 400 grams
Carbs: 600 grams
Proposed Cycle: (Starting in 3-4 weeks)
W 1-4: Dbol 10mg 3XD (Every 4-5 Hours)
W 1-10: Test E 250mg E3D (Taken in the AM)
W 1-12: Adex .25mg EOD (0.125 EOD in last week)
W 1-12: Nolva 20mg/d (if gyno symptoms appear)
W 1-10: Caber .5mg 2XW (if I have prolactin issues)
W 13: Clomid 50mg 2XD
W 14-16 Clomid 25mg 1XD
W 11-14 HCG 3000 iu E5D - 1 week after last shot - Taken in the AM
Also Taking
LaCheek Cycle Armor
LaCheek PCT AD-3
Daily Multi
Again just looking for helpful tips, possible results. And also if my times that I take these things are all right. I did a lot of research on this and just want further guidance. Thank you.