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Thread: Pro hormone vs anabolic steroid

  1. #1
    Stevie1588 is offline New Member
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    Pro hormone vs anabolic steroid

    I recently tried Trentest 300 for the for time and for my first ever cycle and unfortunately felt ill for 4 days after both injections I had.....
    I was told this is because I no doubt had a reaction to the oil and was told to try a pro hormone instead but not like the ones u can buy over the counter.....
    If I'm honest as I'm a compleat newbie to this I not sure what the difference is or what's best for myself and was wondering if anyone had any advice for me if possible on how to bulk up and with these.....

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Id like to know a little more about you before i gave you any advice man. Stats? Training history etc. I will say right off i am not a PH fan.

  3. #3
    Stevie1588 is offline New Member
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    Ok dude...well I've been training about seven months now seriously as I use to have a weight problem nothing major I was just on the chunky side, I train 4/5 times a week from an hour to two depending on work and how much time I have......I'm 5.9 in high and currently weighing in at 13.2 and trying to bulk as I went to skinny for my frame in my own eyes, I'm not going to lie I have had body issues in the past and it's something I've worked though.... I'm 100% dedicated to my training and doing what ever I can do to get to my goals

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Sorry I dont know what 13.2 is? Is that a European weight like stone , sorry US guy here...

  5. #5
    Stevie1588 is offline New Member
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    Sorry about that dude, so yeah 13 stone 2 lbs or 83.461 kilograms I think that works out to 184 lbs

  6. #6
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How old are you? 7 months into training is really way too soon to be adding AAS. Food and learning how to eat for the goals you want will be king for the next 2+ years. Then, (if you're over 25) you "might" want to look into AAS. Try to reach your natural limit before starting AAS esp. if you're young. The reward is not worth the risk.

  7. #7
    Stevie1588 is offline New Member
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    I'm currently 25 dude.....but not for much I've been advised a few different things by people that have been training for years and years so that's why as well as researching what I can I'm seeking advice from a neutral party
    Last edited by Stevie1588; 08-04-2014 at 10:04 AM.

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    At least 2 years proper diet and training before this should be considered IMO. Seriously.
    Utilize the nutrition and training forum here man. Great resources.
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  9. #9
    Stevie1588 is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks guys ��
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  10. #10
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    We're not trying to steer you away from anything just trying to steer you in the right direction. If you cycle too soon before learning how to eat/train then anything you gain on cycle will quickly be lost and not retained. learning to eat will help you tweak things so you can keep as much of your hard earned gains on cycle for the long-term. Plus, with such a short amount of training your ligiments will need be strong enough and as you quickly add strength your ligiments will pay the price and you'll have tendonitis which will make training really difficult.
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  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Great advice from Pete and Jimmy. Gains of lean muscle or loss of body fat all come from training and nutrition. If these aren't developed first, you'll fall short with any steroid cycle. Knowing how much to eat, what, and when plays a bigger role in developing your physique than any steroid ever will. I'd try to keep your training to 90 minutes or less. I used to train for up to two hours years ago. It's counter productive and if you have a clear training program, you should be able to get everything done within an hour. Guys who take two hours are usually overtraining or, more likely, not training hard enough to fatigue their muscles. Now when I train, I go hard at it with very short breaks between sets. By the end of the first hour, I am pretty exhausted and reaching muscle fatigue on all exercises. If anything is left in the tank after an hour, I usually spend 15 minutes on abs and then I'm done. Too many guys in the gym (many are young guys, but certainly not all of them) waste too much time standing around, flapping their gums talking, or put too much weight on the rack and then never get a full range of motion to properly activate the muscles. Everything takes time in this sport. Even the pros are spending 5,6,7 years or more to reach their top potential and those guys live the body building lifestyle daily.

    Commit to two years of training and consistent nutrition. If you do this, you will see results (assuming you know your TDEE and what your intake should be to gain size or lose fat and you are training correctly). When you eventually reach a point in your training and nutrition plan where steroids become the last step, stay away from complex cycles and keep it simple. More is not always always better when it comes to steroid use .

    Stay away from pro hormones - they aren't worth the damage they will do to your body.
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  12. #12
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
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    I am not a fan of PH either, the risks outweigh the benefits of them on most occasions. They are second rate somepared to AAS. Having said that I second, or third, or whatever, the notion to stay natural for awhile. a Few months in the gym is hardly any time at all and you have a lot of base to be building.

  13. #13
    Stevie1588 is offline New Member
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    Thank you all for the advice, as I said I have been getting loads of conflicting advice from people I know and others in the gym that's why I came in search of some real advice.....
    Thank you all once again

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie1588 View Post
    Thank you all for the advice, as I said I have been getting loads of conflicting advice from people I know and others in the gym that's why I came in search of some real advice.....
    Thank you all once again
    I'm sure you have but those are coming from other sites who like to promote reckless cycle advice, who worry more about selling product than they do about someones health. That's one of the biggest reasons I dont bother to frequent those other sites even though I'm sure there may be some useful information there but nothing that cant be found here and the focus here is on health and doing the best way to do a cycle and when not to do one.

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