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  1. #1
    florestrainer2009's Avatar
    florestrainer2009 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2009

    winter bulk cyc, guidance needed...

    stats r as follows:
    age- 38
    height- 6'0
    weight- 185lbs
    fat- ?

    been cycle free for about over a yr now n what better way to start the fall than to gear up for a bulking cyc. been doing my homework, but as every1 well knows, u can never know 2 much n thats y ive decided 2 bring my cyc 2 the pros 2 help me tweak it here n there, b4 i commit. cyc is as follows:

    wks 1-3 test cypionate 900mg.wk (450mg/monday & 450mg/friday)
    wks 4-16 test cypionate 600mg/wk
    wks 1-14 deca 450mg/wk
    wks 11-16 dbol 40mg/d
    wks 4,8 n 12 hcg 500iu/wk (250iu pinned Mon/Thurs)
    wks 19-24 pct clomid n nolvadex

    diet will b around 5000kcals, give or take will b looking forward 2 all the negative, but hopefully positive feedback i can get. thanx again in advance n if any1 outhere needs anymore info on me b4 suggesting anything, ill b more than happy 2 provide such...

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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