49 YEARS old ive been trained a lot naturally dyring the years and i just finished my first cycle,seems not the proper way.. and definitely not the best advice for PCT.so i kindly ask for help!
cycle was 12 weeks test enathate 500 mg ,plus dianabol 30 mg ed for 5 weeks,and after that oral winstrol for 6 weeks.
well ive bben transformed from what i was ,ive took care of nutrition,workout hard etc..
but now comes the cherry on the pie...
the advice i get from the guy who sales me the medicines for PCT was...
inject 3 HCG of 5000iu every 3 days and thats all!!!!!!
i keep reading here that the proper pct needs more so im planning to do hcg for 10 days(500iu ed)and then nolva 40mg 2 weeks + 20mg 2 weeks..
i need your advices!!!