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  1. #1
    evolantra's Avatar
    evolantra is offline New Member
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    Old on gym ,new on roids...PLS ADVICE!!

    49 YEARS old ive been trained a lot naturally dyring the years and i just finished my first cycle,seems not the proper way.. and definitely not the best advice for i kindly ask for help!
    cycle was 12 weeks test enathate 500 mg ,plus dianabol 30 mg ed for 5 weeks,and after that oral winstrol for 6 weeks.
    well ive bben transformed from what i was ,ive took care of nutrition,workout hard etc..
    but now comes the cherry on the pie...
    the advice i get from the guy who sales me the medicines for PCT was...
    inject 3 HCG of 5000iu every 3 days and thats all!!!!!!
    i keep reading here that the proper pct needs more so im planning to do hcg for 10 days(500iu ed)and then nolva 40mg 2 weeks + 20mg 2 weeks..
    i need your advices!!!

  2. #2
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    You're going to want some Clomid. Run it along side the Nolva. You'll have to read in the PCT section about when to start for Test E. I want to say 12 days after your last shot but I'm guessing. Read that section or wait for one of the vets to chime in about exactly when to start.

    Needless to say, you can't believe everything you hear in the gym. You're in the right place now. Click around. There is a wealth of info here.

  3. #3
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Test E usually 14-16 days after last pin you would start nolva and Clomid. I like to 70mg clomid my first week and 35-40mg nolva. Taper Down the dose the next three weeks. Something like
    Clomid 70/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    I dont get to high on the doses as I get more emotional on a high dose pct but no more help from it. Hcg is suppressive and just counter act what you are trying to do which is restart your natty production. It should have been used on cycle.

  4. #4
    evolantra's Avatar
    evolantra is offline New Member
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    ok guys you mean that the PCT ive read in suggestions from the home page is not what i need?cause i allready have start HCG at 500iu ed for a week now..
    i couldnt found a combo nolva and clomid in no one of PCTs in Home page..
    Last edited by evolantra; 08-06-2014 at 10:39 AM.

  5. #5
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Its all in the stickies...

  6. #6
    evolantra's Avatar
    evolantra is offline New Member
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    Cuz THANK YOU FOR FAST REPLY!!!!ive read many things in forum allready.sorry if i writte like an idiot but im new in roids..was thinking that the PCT i read in the home page of steroids .com was kind of official..anyway can you suggest dosage and length of pct please?

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