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Thread: Hey i'm back!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita

    Hey i'm back!!!

    so those of you who remember me I was here about a year ago and ran a test only cycle. The results were ok turns out the test I had was not very good a lot of shitty reviews from other users. so I've been just hitting the gym keeping up the diet as normal, and I came across some tren Ace an test e. Now I started today after remembering the "all you need to know about tren guide" I decided to run tren at 300mg per week and same dosage with test. Yes I know in the guide it says to run test lower but other research has led me to believe that might not be the best route. so hey thought I would get some other opinions, and yes I have all my pct and hcg lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    And your question is?????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    What are some peoples opinion on 300mg of tren A and 300mg of test e compared to a Trt dose of test and keeping my tren at 300mg?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Personally I'd run the tes at 300 or alittle higher. I've always noticed for me anyways I like to keep the tes higher than the tren. But not too much higher.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Why do you think you need tren for a 2nd cycle? What are your current stats and goals?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    I'm 5"10 190lb 14% bf after my bulk and now looking to cut down and harden up. I know I don't need to add tren but the last test only cycle was ok but I was looking to tren a to help me cut up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    I'm 5"10 190lb 14% bf after my bulk and now looking to cut down and harden up. I know I don't need to add tren but the last test only cycle was ok but I was looking to tren a to help me cut up.
    Your diet and cardio will do that!!

    If you must cycle run test again!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    Yea probably don't need the tren you're totally right but I already started it so I'm gunna run it low and see if it goes good. If I get sides I'll just drop it and run test higher. My problem is the people I work out with they run good cycles and do some great work and I guess I just take their advice from seeing their results. Everyone's got their opinions I guess right?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Everyone has their opinions yes. I guess you wanted the same opinions here that your friends gave you. You didn't get it but you're doing it anyway. Sounds awfully familiar.

  10. #10
    I believe that Tren shouldn't be run until you have at least 5 cycles under your belt. Why? It takes a number of cycle + PCT for your body to be "ready" for Tren. Tren is the super AAS. It will shut down your HPTA down pretty hard and you may not be able to recover for a long time. The first time I ran Tren I got anorgasimia (inability to orgasm). It was the most frustrating thing on earth and was very distressing both physically and emotionally. My wife thought I didn't love her anymore. It's really not worth the muscles when something like that happens. Be safe and listen to the vets that's posted above me. By the way I was cycling for 4 years with 6 cycles under my belt before I cycled Tren and I still got bad side and took me over a year to recover.

  11. #11
    Not the best advice from your pals... It is also possible they have much more experience then yourself and figure you have the same.

    I would drop the tren
    Run your test: 600mg/wk for 16wks

    If it is good then you will see great results being this is pretty much your first cycle, running under-dosed and properly-dosed gear is a whole new animal. Your one inj in... you can drop the tren "its not too late!!" That was just a silly excuse for you to not listen.
    Like said before cutting BF will be diet based. DBol could be used for a cut, manage E2, eat clean and you can certainly get leaner. Run Winny, Mast, Tren, Prop and eat like shit, I bet you wont get all cut up like most believe.

    Anyone can train, Anyone can inj drugs, diet makes or breaks a great physique.
    Good luck and don't be so eager to inj more drugs!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I have used tren in the past on my second cycle and just test on my first, I can tell you I think i gain the same amount of mass with and with out tren, probably with tren is better.

    but I would like to know if cycles with test only are just good enough like if you use tren combine with test.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    Haha yea BiB I'm hard headed, I'll be returning my unopened bottle of tren and trading for test and probably run at 600mg per week. Thanks guys for the help.

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