So... about a year ago had this pain in my acromionclavicular. couldn't train at all without pain. Went to doctors therapy but no visible relief. Doctor then inject me a corticoid into my acromion clavicular since there was located the pain.. swelling disappeared, pain dissapeard and next day I could train as if I was completely recuperated.
I can do all excersices without pain. But I still feel a minor ache when having movements of my right hand above shoulder level. It is not enough to justify surgery but as all of us I want to feel 100% good.
So been reading about tb500 and how it has helped some members heal damaged tendons, rotator cuffs etc.
could this peptide help me heal overtime? only way to know is to try it? anyone with similar background
1 2ml monday 2ml thursay
2 2ml monday
3 2ml monday
4 ...
up to 6-8 weeks
any input is greatly appreciated.
I am also doing a test e 500 cycle weekly.
does tb500 has any sides?
only peptide I have tried was melanotan 2 and it really worked but redness of the face was a really annoying side even thou it lasted just a couple hours