I am 6 weeks into a 12-wk intermediate-level cycle (Test C, Decca, and D-bol). However, four weeks into the cycle, I spent 3 weeks in jail for a failure to appear on a traffic ticket. Obviously, I am now out.
Should I just extend to a 15-wk period, i.e., 12 weeks of "on cycle", but also containing a 3-week "off" gap, or additionally compensate by maybe adding ANOTHER 2 weeks "on" (in addition to inserting the missed 3 week period, making it 15 weeks from beginning to end), making the cycle 17 weeks from start to finish?
Secondly, I have "Low T" (63 years old), and plan on not quite entirely stopping the Test C, (maybe a half ml [100 mg] each week, or 200 mg every 2 weeks) at the end of cycle, and continuing during the "off-cycle" time. This should be OK, right?
Finally, at the 6-week mark, where I am supposed to quit my d-bol ingestion (having done 3 10-mil per day for the 1st 6 weeks), could I -- instead of quiting -- continue till the end of the cycle (i.e., another 6 weeks), taking a SINGLE 10-ml d-bol each day, up to the end of the 12-week cycle? Would that be dangerous or inadvisable?
Thanks in advance for any help or advise.