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Thread: Test-Only cycle for beginner.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The Battle Field

    Test-Only cycle for beginner.....

    After more research and long hard thought.... a very light cycle to give me around 10lbs after everything is over. Who needs deca if test is that good on its own??

    1-8 weeks of Test En.

    Nolvadex on hand....

    Clomid at the end as per recommended schedule. (after 3 -4 hours after last shot...)

    Clenbuterol to keep the gains starting from week 7 through to week 9.

    Comments? Is this cycle too light?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    The Test only is fine but you start your clomid 2 weeks after your last shot and thats what raises your natural test levels back up.
    200mgs day 1.....150mgs day2.....100mgs day3......50mgs for remainder of two week therapy.The clen is just a fat burner for cutting cycles and doesn't help keeping gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    uhm bro, just run test enth at 500mg/ew, deca is good imho, i think it really keeps u in a positive nitrogen balance, cause it does, but its up to you. just keep the cycle simple, and if u eat right u will gain 25 - 30 lbs, not 10 lbs, if u want 10 lbs go for winny or primo... a test will cake weight on, provided that u eat well.

    u dont need clen at the end man, this cycle is wayyy to light to need clen, if u really wanna get freaky with keeping gains just run 2500iu of hcg 10 days after u last enth shot and 5 days later another 2500iu, then 5 days later start clomid...

    bro, once again u need ro research more, u say take clomid 3 to four hours after ur last shot. this is totally wrong. clomid needs to be taken 2 - 3 weeks after u last shot cause test is long acting, clomid is only an anti-estrogen man. it doesnt recover ur natural test alone. if u take it right after ur last shoot, it will only act like any other anti-estrogen an keep ur estrogen levels down..... i say u stop here and read up somemore, cause u are afraid of side effects, imho with ur knowledge of steroids, i would be scared of side effects as well.. do some more research man... good luck !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    clen acts as an anti-catabloic agent jamm, if u have forgetten, it keeps cotrisol levels down, but i asked around and most ppl say clen doesnt do squat, well it works, but it isnt neccessay. if u really want run hcg be4 clomid as i said earlier. or use ECA. this cycle does not need clen imho... but if u wanan waste ur $$$$$, its totally up to u!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The Battle Field
    There is no rush to use steroids - I will contiune to post here to get my knowledge up and get as much info as possible... BEFORE I spend even $1.00

    Thank you guys.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Put your test at 500mg for 10wks. Clomid 2wks after last inject.
    Nolva on hand.

    Clen is not only used as an anti-catabolic agent(thats actually never even been proven), it's also used for fat reduction. In any case, with proper clomid and Nolva(I use both) post cycle, your recovery should be rather easy.
    Please get some blood work done before and after your cycle to make sure all levels are stabilizing properly

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.
    Test only cycle as a first cycle is great idea!

    You'll be able to see how you react to gear as you're using the daddy of all anabolic compounds.

    You'll make great gains too- do as pheedno says- goodluck.

  8. #8
    exactly what i did. 400mg/week for 10 weeks. gained 25 lbs. ran clomid but i hate to say i only kept 15 lbs from that 1st cycle. but a great idea just b sure to keep cals and protein up for atleast 6 weeks after last shot. i let up a bit on the diet cuz i was burnt out on shoveling in foods. good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    just out of curiosity, if you only need 10 lbs. why are you cycling? you could easily put on 10 lbs. naturally in a couple of weeks with the right diet/supplements. i'm not trying to flame at all, i'm just wondering ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    couple weeks? 10 pounds in 6 months is pretty awesome unless you just take some supplement to blow up on water

  11. #11
    10 lbs of water is only thing to put on in only 2 weeks. i know guys who are "natural" that are pleased with 5 solid pounds in a year! not me. it takes more than that to make me happy.but they'll probably see 70 and i wont.

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