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Thread: Fat burning

  1. #1

    Fat burning

    Hello all,

    After a few years of not being strict on my exercise & nutrition, I've decided its time for a major change and wanted to get your feedback in regards to what supplements may be beneficial for me?

    I am 5'11 and weigh 200lbs. I just dropped from 211lbs and continue to monitor my nutrition to maximize my weight loss which is one of my main concerns.. I did a cycle back in 2011-12 of winstrol (oral) which in my opinion was great. At that time I was about 185lbs with 17-18% body fat. I want to be back in that range and wanted to see what you would suggest? After that cycle, I did get more stanozol (injectable) which I felt was not strong or at least didn't see the results I expected.
    I've heard that tren is also good in increasing muscle while leaning out the fat. Any thoughts? Obviously, being on and off the gym has me feeling really weak so increasing strength would be nice as well.

    I appreciate all feedback .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Get a steady diet and training routine in place for at least a year before you think about jumping on gear there is to much risk for u right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    I agree with Derek. Instead, in the meantime try alternate and safer supplements while studying your diet and becoming consistent in the gym.

    Just a few off the top of my head: EGCG, multivitamins, chromium, caffeine, drinking plenty of water, and even eating more peppers with your food that have a fair amount of capsaicin or better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Nothing beats diet and nutrition. I did the same thing and although it took years to put on it only took about a year or a little more to take off with diet and exercise.

    Dont try to rush loosing it. Slow and steady or all you will do is shock your body and do more harm than good. I tried to warn a co worker not to rush his weight loos a few years ago but he wouldnt listen. Then he discovered due to the stress on his body he had a Atrial septal defect and suffered a heart attach.

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