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Thread: Boldenone at 800mg a week

  1. #1
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    Aug 2014

    Boldenone at 800mg a week

    just wanted a brief insight on what some think of this compound as i know most dislike it, some compare it to deca and others say its the bomb for vascularity and some say its complete sh*t ! ive never used EQ before i just wanted to get some opinions on what you think of the compound. say first time use i was to use 800mg with test what could i expect from the eq ? does it promote lean tissue gains along with decent strength gains ?

  2. #2
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    May 2005
    I've never used EQ and you're right, most of the people on here hate it. One of my training partners uses it because he loves the vascular look it gives him. I personally think there are better ways to achieve that but he likes and that's all the matters.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2014
    i guess its a case of trying it and finding out yourself then, yea one of my freind swears by it but i find it hard to believe due to all the negative comments i also hear.

  4. #4
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    grillin chicken
    Great chain lube or a squeaky door fix. Not something I ever recommend

  5. #5
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    Get some BP meds

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by leanmachine6 View Post
    just wanted a brief insight on what some think of this compound as i know most dislike it, some compare it to deca and others say its the bomb for vascularity and some say its complete sh*t ! ive never used EQ before i just wanted to get some opinions on what you think of the compound. say first time use i was to use 800mg with test what could i expect from the eq ? does it promote lean tissue gains along with decent strength gains ?
    Ok, I've used eq on several occasions, mostly for reduced calorie diet's BUT the damn hunger pains made me NUTS. Yes, even more nuts than I usually am. This last cycle I was using eq with keto. Guess what? Less hunger issues. Chatted with a guy that suggested I up the dose so I went from 600 to 800a week adn NO hunger pains and now I love eq. Veiny, yep, hard, oh hell yeah, tired, never.
    I think the issue with eq is it's run to low, run for not close to long enough, I'm in 8th week and running it for 16 this time around. Eq is very good for strength gains vascularity and it keeps adding muscle even on a low calorie diet. Let's talk about side effects, uhhh, once hunger is managed by an adequate dose there aren't any "sides". It works with any kind of diet, keto, paleo, standard 303040, whatever. Eq continues to add LEAN, HARD, MUSCLE to your frame without bloat, flab and keeps that hard muscle look and you can run it 16 weeks. Now, I'm sure someone will "tren" me but you go ahead and try to run tren for 16 weeks, I'll visit you in prison.
    Oh, running test e for 8 weeks at 500 a week switching over to test p 350 a week for the last 8 weeks to let some of that water weight go and keeping eq for the 16 weeks at 800mg a week.
    Just my opinion of course but eq doesn't get enough respect because it's not dosed properly I think.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2014
    What do u mean ill visit u in prison because ur running 16wk of tren?

  8. #8
    EQ does have some harsh side effects... your just not thinking they're from the EQ.
    High HCT levels from the crazy amount of RBC being produced which is why your more vascular off of it.

    -That being said I like Eq helps with appetite for me and a cheap way to aid Mast/Primo IMO
    ---Make sure your getting blood work done and checking hct levels... and donating blood when levels rise

    If your looking for something to help aid in lean mass NPP would be a much better choice

  9. #9
    Imo EQ is only good for increasing appetite and for vascularity. As for building lean mass, its crap. The gains people see are just the other compounds there using.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by JinAustin View Post
    EQ does have some harsh side effects... your just not thinking they're from the EQ.
    High HCT levels from the crazy amount of RBC being produced which is why your more vascular off of it.

    -That being said I like Eq helps with appetite for me and a cheap way to aid Mast/Primo IMO
    ---Make sure your getting blood work done and checking hct levels... and donating blood when levels rise

    If your looking for something to help aid in lean mass NPP would be a much better choice
    WOW, that was stupid of me. I forgot as I just do it normally. Red blood cell count does go up intensely. I've just always donated a pint of blood every month since I was 32 so it didn't occur to me to mention it.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by michael30 View Post
    Imo EQ is only good for increasing appetite and for vascularity. As for building lean mass, its crap. The gains people see are just the other compounds there using.
    Uh, noooo, test and eq, for that matter probably half the dose of test that most use so it's the eq responsible for most of my gains. It's not crap what it is is not fully understood and underdosed.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    What do u mean ill visit u in prison because ur running 16wk of tren?
    It was a metaphorical statement (sometimes refered to as tounge in cheek humor) as to the increased aggression associated with Tren use. The bro science reccomendation is 8 weeks of tren; correct? Also, night sweats, general stinkyness and sleeplessness (don't know if that's a word) with tren.
    My point was that SOMEONE, would say "TREN" and it's an apples and onions argument.
    Eq, as Jinaustin pointed out, does increase RBC greatly and I should have included that in my original post; donate blood. However, I wouldn't call it a "harsh" side effect at all, especially compared to tren's side effects.

  13. #13
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    It's funny because I was scared to take TREN because of all of tthe comments like this. But I have been running it for much longer than the recommended 8 weeks, and I can say I don't exactly like the compound. My night sweats decreased since starting tren, my aggression and bad thoughts decreased, my kids don't make me as angry anymore, so honestly I don't know what is going on but the opposite effect has occurred and I kind of like that. Maybe it is from bringing prolactin down.

    As for EQ I intend to run it next time I bulk at a high dose, there will be test obviously, some dbol at low doses, and debating having nandrolone in the cycle. I really don't care for the vascularity, so I am hoping it can contribute to some growth in some form. I'll have an opinion on EQ after I run it, but the increased hematocrit and RBC scares the crap out of me, I don't want to have a heart attack. Values have been fine lately without donating, but I am also on a high iron dose a day so I can't just go give blood without making that worse.

    There's other places where EQ is a bit more favored but I would run some other compounds with it, and of course the high dose, with anything just be careful and monitor things.

  14. #14
    I too am a bit apprehensive about tren. Not like that's going to stop me from giving it a run next cycle; depending on bf percentage. :0
    I was just so psyched after much back and forth with several members about bouncing my eq up and the keto diet, while a mental pita, completely killed the hunger pains so I could really analyze it's effects for me. I do the blood donation regardless and don't have iron issues, can you imagine iron issues on a keto diet? I get more red meat than sex.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsjunk View Post
    I too am a bit apprehensive about tren. Not like that's going to stop me from giving it a run next cycle; depending on bf percentage. :0
    I was just so psyched after much back and forth with several members about bouncing my eq up and the keto diet, while a mental pita, completely killed the hunger pains so I could really analyze it's effects for me. I do the blood donation regardless and don't have iron issues, can you imagine iron issues on a keto diet? I get more red meat than sex.
    It's an absorption issue, not normal for most, not exactly sure the cause yet. I mean I eat almost exclusively red meat.
    Last edited by SEOINAGE; 08-16-2014 at 10:57 PM.

  16. #16
    My uncle has something the exact opposite. His iron gets stupid high that's why he donates on a regular basis.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2013
    Same guy that's going to be running growth and insulin.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsjunk View Post
    Ok, I've used eq on several occasions, mostly for reduced calorie diet's BUT the damn hunger pains made me NUTS. Yes, even more nuts than I usually am. This last cycle I was using eq with keto. Guess what? Less hunger issues. Chatted with a guy that suggested I up the dose so I went from 600 to 800a week adn NO hunger pains and now I love eq. Veiny, yep, hard, oh hell yeah, tired, never.
    I think the issue with eq is it's run to low, run for not close to long enough, I'm in 8th week and running it for 16 this time around. Eq is very good for strength gains vascularity and it keeps adding muscle even on a low calorie diet. Let's talk about side effects, uhhh, once hunger is managed by an adequate dose there aren't any "sides". It works with any kind of diet, keto, paleo, standard 303040, whatever. Eq continues to add LEAN, HARD, MUSCLE to your frame without bloat, flab and keeps that hard muscle look and you can run it 16 weeks. Now, I'm sure someone will "tren" me but you go ahead and try to run tren for 16 weeks, I'll visit you in prison.
    Oh, running test e for 8 weeks at 500 a week switching over to test p 350 a week for the last 8 weeks to let some of that water weight go and keeping eq for the 16 weeks at 800mg a week.
    Just my opinion of course but eq doesn't get enough respect because it's not dosed properly I think.
    I ran tren for over 16 wks and am responding to you from the privacy of my home; not prison lol. I only raged out once if you could even call it that.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    I ran tren for over 16 wks and am responding to you from the privacy of my home; not prison lol. I only raged out once if you could even call it that.
    Well first off, I miss you.

    Secondly, what was your opinion of the 16 week tren cycle. I was considering doing a 14 week Tren cycle wiith two extra weeks of Test only at the end. I do not mind the Tren sides, I just want to really step my game up as I have been pretty conservative for cycles.

    For the purposes of not jacking this thread, I hate the stuff OP.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsjunk View Post
    Uh, noooo, test and eq, for that matter probably half the dose of test that most use so it's the eq responsible for most of my gains. It's not crap what it is is not fully understood and underdosed.

    Lol if it works for you then stick with it. Myself and all the veteran members must be wrong about Eq being garbage.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    Well first off, I miss you.
    lol. Same here buddy. Been lurking lately. Lots of things going on.

    Secondly, what was your opinion of the 16 week tren cycle. I was considering doing a 14 week Tren cycle wiith two extra weeks of Test only at the end. I do not mind the Tren sides, I just want to really step my game up as I have been pretty conservative for cycles.

    For the purposes of not jacking this thread, I hate the stuff OP.
    My experiences were both good and bad. I made myself into a lab eat and tried various things over the time I was on the tren. From very high dose to a very low dose and many doses in between.

    My worst sides, maybe not solely from the tren but definitely exacerbated by it, were sweating (we're talking about sweating while thing your shoes, soaking your sheets, sweating when changing your clothes etc), insomnia (only had this for 2-3wks. After that sleep went back to normal but normal is shit anyway lol), irritability (I may have raged once in someone but they def deserved it so whatever but mainly I was very irritable and had no patience for ppl's BS), and hunger pangs (I'd wake up at 2am and scarf down two PB&J sandwhiches, banana, bowl of cereal, pint of ice cream and wash it down with chocolate milk).

    Tren will definitely step your game up but be prepared to handle sides. Throughout all this I lost a significant amount of weight, ~7-10lbs but got stronger and more muscular. Had an injury mid cycle which put me back some but still made progress. I also was using a push sled which aided in the fat loss but even without it I was losing fat.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    lol. Same here buddy. Been lurking lately. Lots of things going on.

    My experiences were both good and bad. I made myself into a lab eat and tried various things over the time I was on the tren. From very high dose to a very low dose and many doses in between.

    My worst sides, maybe not solely from the tren but definitely exacerbated by it, were sweating (we're talking about sweating while thing your shoes, soaking your sheets, sweating when changing your clothes etc), insomnia (only had this for 2-3wks. After that sleep went back to normal but normal is shit anyway lol), irritability (I may have raged once in someone but they def deserved it so whatever but mainly I was very irritable and had no patience for ppl's BS), and hunger pangs (I'd wake up at 2am and scarf down two PB&J sandwhiches, banana, bowl of cereal, pint of ice cream and wash it down with chocolate milk).

    Tren will definitely step your game up but be prepared to handle sides. Throughout all this I lost a significant amount of weight, ~7-10lbs but got stronger and more muscular. Had an injury mid cycle which put me back some but still made progress. I also was using a push sled which aided in the fat loss but even without it I was losing fat.
    Well I have gone as high as 600mg/week of Tren but I only did it for a few weeks to try the dose out as opposed to my normal 400mg/week. All of the symptoms you mentioned sounded exactly like my cycle with it. The only difference was I was trying to recomp on it and now I want to try to just bulk.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    Well I have gone as high as 600mg/week of Tren but I only did it for a few weeks to try the dose out as opposed to my normal 400mg/week. All of the symptoms you mentioned sounded exactly like my cycle with it. The only difference was I was trying to recomp on it and now I want to try to just bulk.
    I went over 600mg for a few weeks and managed to tolerate it better than I thought I would. The worst part for me was the sweating. I was literally drenched in sweat all day and night. I usually sweat a lot anyway but it was much worse.

    I don't think you'd need to adjust the dose to bulk with it but your food intake would definitely have to go up. No matter what I ate or how much I remained around the same weight for most of the cycle after the initially large drop in weight. I have a very active job and was lifting for strength 3x/wk as well as doing the push sled and other activities.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    I went over 600mg for a few weeks and managed to tolerate it better than I thought I would. The worst part for me was the sweating. I was literally drenched in sweat all day and night. I usually sweat a lot anyway but it was much worse.

    I don't think you'd need to adjust the dose to bulk with it but your food intake would definitely have to go up. No matter what I ate or how much I remained around the same weight for most of the cycle after the initially large drop in weight. I have a very active job and was lifting for strength 3x/wk as well as doing the push sled and other activities.
    Well I plan on starting this Fall. On the recomp I was staying pretty close to TDEE but now I am going to go quite a bit over so we will see how my first bulk with Tren goes.

    I know how you feel with the sweating, I am a heavy sweater off cycle, much less on cycle. It was terribly embarrassing for me because I am a teacher and the kids were wondering why I was always sweating during class, they thought I was nervous.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    Well I plan on starting this Fall. On the recomp I was staying pretty close to TDEE but now I am going to go quite a bit over so we will see how my first bulk with Tren goes.

    I know how you feel with the sweating, I am a heavy sweater off cycle, much less on cycle. It was terribly embarrassing for me because I am a teacher and the kids were wondering why I was always sweating during class, they thought I was nervous.
    Lol you should tell them you were on hydroxycut or some other BS OTC supplement lol.

    Good luck with the bulker buddy. Hope all goes smoothly for you. You going to log it?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Lol you should tell them you were on hydroxycut or some other BS OTC supplement lol.

    Good luck with the bulker buddy. Hope all goes smoothly for you. You going to log it?
    Yeah but no pics this time. I thought I was playing it safe by sending just a few via PM but low and behold I got spotted while spectating a local powerlifting comp. the guy was cool luckily but I can't take any chances.

    That was my first log so I'm going to try to make this one a lot more detailed.

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