lol. Same here buddy. Been lurking lately. Lots of things going on.
My experiences were both good and bad. I made myself into a lab eat and tried various things over the time I was on the tren. From very high dose to a very low dose and many doses in between.
My worst sides, maybe not solely from the tren but definitely exacerbated by it, were sweating (we're talking about sweating while thing your shoes, soaking your sheets, sweating when changing your clothes etc), insomnia (only had this for 2-3wks. After that sleep went back to normal but normal is shit anyway lol), irritability (I may have raged once in someone but they def deserved it so whatever but mainly I was very irritable and had no patience for ppl's BS), and hunger pangs (I'd wake up at 2am and scarf down two PB&J sandwhiches, banana, bowl of cereal, pint of ice cream and wash it down with chocolate milk).
Tren will definitely step your game up but be prepared to handle sides. Throughout all this I lost a significant amount of weight, ~7-10lbs but got stronger and more muscular. Had an injury mid cycle which put me back some but still made progress. I also was using a push sled which aided in the fat loss but even without it I was losing fat.