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  1. #1
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    Is HGH usefull as fat loss aid?

    just been reading forums and found people telling they dropped body fat from 20 to 12% and even more with prolonged use.

    I was just wandering is really that effective for fat loss? Do people actually decrease calories to cut fat in HGH or it happen with hgh on a surplus?

    just curious on HGH

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes but not as good as diet

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    just been reading forums and found people telling they dropped body fat from 20 to 12% and even more with prolonged use.

    I was just wandering is really that effective for fat loss? Do people actually decrease calories to cut fat in HGH or it happen with hgh on a surplus?

    just curious on HGH
    no one here will tell you it isn't a useful diet aid.

    But so expensive........
    .......and difficult to find legit.

    No real shortcuts in life mate. Be willing to do the hard work. Eat in a caloric deficit and do some cardio like the rest of us do.


  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    just been reading forums and found people telling they dropped body fat from 20 to 12% and even more with prolonged use.

    I was just wandering is really that effective for fat loss? Do people actually decrease calories to cut fat in HGH or it happen with hgh on a surplus?

    just curious on HGH
    If used correctly by an experienced athlete,,,,,YES,, it can be very effective

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    If used correctly by an experienced athlete,,,,,YES,, it can be very effective

    however, I would NEVER pay for and take HGH just for weight loss. Weight loss is a by product of a much more important goal.......


    (and a great tool used by the anti aging community)

  6. #6
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    will it be any useful when bulking for fat control? I mean diet first.

    But how will it act on bulking

    how is the protocol for hgh use?
    Last edited by PRODIJ; 08-18-2014 at 04:56 PM.

  7. #7
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    agree. however, I would NEVER pay for and take HGH just for weight loss. Weight loss is a by product of a much more important goal....... .........hyperplasia! (and a great tool used by the anti aging community)

    You want to achieve hyperplasia? May I ask why?

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    You want to achieve hyperplasia? May I ask why?
    HGH promotes hyperplasia
    from wiki:
    "Hyperplasia (from ancient Greek ὑπέρ huper, "over" + πλάσις plasis, "formation"), or hypergenesis, means an increase in the number of cells"

    -this means with HGH, you can grow NEW muscle tissue cells.

    With AAS, your goal is hypertrophy
    from Wiki:
    "Hypertrophy (from Greek ὑπέρ "excess" + τροφή "nourishment") is the increase in the volume of an organ or tissue due to the enlargement of its component cells."

    -this means that the muscle tissue cells you do have get larger.

    AAS cannot grow NEW muscle fiber cells. HGH will grow new muscle fiber cells, but VERY SLOWLY. This is why we say to run very long HGH cycles, six months or longer to see any real benefit.

    Make sense?

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    You want to achieve hyperplasia? May I ask why?

    Our community kinda bastardizes the technical meaning and applies the meaning I have just described.

  10. #10
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
    Dougiefresh7707 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    note: Our community kinda bastardizes the technical meaning and applies the meaning I have just described.
    Gotcha I just thought hyperplasia was not good for organs in your body but I didn't think of it that way.

  11. #11
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hgh combined with t4 is a very effective aid in weight loss. However, you still have to have your diet in check and eat at a deficit. I like to carb cycle when using it to break up the diet a bit and helps me stay focused during long stretches.

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^but good luck finding legit HGH

    ....better off to set one's sights lower and aim for something that is actually obtainable, instead of hgh.

  13. #13
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^^^^^^absolutely! I was lucky to be able to stock up for a while and I would call it a once in a lifetime thing for me.

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