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Thread: amino acid concentrate

  1. #1

    amino acid concentrate

    Lets just say I was to get some Amino Acid Oral Concentrate for horses. I have read up that it will cause a positive nitrogen balance in a human's body. I was wondering what this amino acid concentrate could do for a human and what dosage would be good?(500ml bottle, dosage for horses is 50-500ml so humans would be much less)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    dont know if i am exactly right, but excess amino acids will only be wasted away from ribosomes creating new ones. meaning when protien systhisis occurs in your body- the ribosomes know what kind and of how many to produce. kinda like taking 10, 15 grams of creatine when your body can only put use to 5 grams...
    thats only my theory- been proven wrong before

  3. #3
    I just heard that when taken with actual protein powders, these concentrated forms of HCL aminos allow the body to absorb much more of the protein and creat a way bigger nitrogen balance.

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