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Thread: ..Test prop and feeling ill..

  1. #1

    ..Test prop and feeling ill..

    Hey guys, would really appreciate some help on the matter.

    I have none of these problems Injecting enanthate, however I can't use it due to the water bloat, and my career demands Iam looking my best at all times, so I have switched to prop. Since injecting, my feet and hands are freezing cold all the time, I feel very timid and low energy, and almost like I'm coming down with an illness constantly, even slightly depressed. Does anybody know what could be causing this? The gear is 100% legit as my friend is using the same lab (isis) could it be an allergic reaction to the oil? Or has anyone else got any other ideas?

    Thankyou for any and all suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    Well AAS are known to suppress your immune system slightly, but everyone reacts to it a little differently. It may be that they are just suppressing your immune system just enough for some allergens or bacteria to cause a ruckus. It does not sound like an allergic reaction from your symptoms but I am no MD.

    As far as the bloating goes, there are many ways to keep from bloating on a cycle, I have never had an issue with it. Watching your diet and managing estrogen being the two best ways.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    Well AAS are known to suppress your immune system slightly, but everyone reacts to it a little differently. It may be that they are just suppressing your immune system just enough for some allergens or bacteria to cause a ruckus. It does not sound like an allergic reaction from your symptoms but I am no MD.

    As far as the bloating goes, there are many ways to keep from bloating on a cycle, I have never had an issue with it. Watching your diet and managing estrogen being the two best ways.
    Could be a lot of factors as suggested by Ranger.

    When did you switch to prop? How long has the cycle been? Are you running a proper AI. Flu like symptoms (lethargy, muscle/joint pain, general malaise) can also occur with fluctuations in hormones, particularly your E2. Have you ruled this out as a possible factor?

  4. #4
    Switched to prop 2 weeks ago, was on enanthate for 2 months before that, running arimidex 0.25 ed. I don't think it's down to hormone fluctuations but Am open to suggestions

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Aesthetikz View Post
    Switched to prop 2 weeks ago, was on enanthate for 2 months before that, running arimidex 0.25 ed. I don't think it's down to hormone fluctuations but Am open to suggestions
    Still possible if your adex is under dosed. 0.25mg EOD is a guideline. Some need more, some less, depending on how their body aromatizes testosterone. No two people will necessarily aromatize testosterone at the same rate. I've had gentlemen on TRT at 125-150mg per week and only need 0.25mg per week to control their E2, while others have needed 1mg per week at that dose to regulate their E2.

    You said you are running 0.25mg EVERY DAY. That would be 1.75mg of adex per week. You could have CRASHED your E2 and would have very similar symptoms to what you are describing so I would NOT rule out a hormonal issue related to E2 at this time (unless you meant EOD instead of ED).

    The only way to confirm is with blood work.

    If the conditions persist for more than 7 days, you might want to have some blood work drawn. It could be nothing more than a simple virus that should run it's course. If the symptoms worsen or you develop other symptoms unrelated to E2 (severe cough, fever, rash, etc.) then medical attention by a licensed MD would be prudent.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 08-19-2014 at 12:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Santa clarita
    The ester should have nothing to do with you holding water your E levels however do.

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