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  1. #1
    diciacco is offline New Member
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    Question First Cycle - Recommendations Appreciated


    After spending the better part of the year as a lurker on multiple forums, it seems to me this is the least biased and most educated forum out there. I spent my entire life active and eating healthy, I've finally decided I would like to explore the world of PEDs, particularly AAS. I've been researching for almost a year now, and though I'm familiar with some of the more common products, I'm not sure what would be the best for a first cycle.

    Since I have no idea how I will respond to any of this, let's assume I'm extremely gyno prone, acne prone, etc. To my uneducated mind, a product with less shutdown would be preferable.

    What would be the most "mild" AAS that's (relatively) easily obtainable and would provide good results? I'm currently looking to do a short 4-6 week cycle as my first one. Any info on PCT for the recommended AAS would be much appreciated also.

    Thank you in advance for anybody who can give some input, it really does help.

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by diciacco View Post

    After spending the better part of the year as a lurker on multiple forums, it seems to me this is the least biased and most educated forum out there. I spent my entire life active and eating healthy, I've finally decided I would like to explore the world of PEDs, particularly AAS. I've been researching for almost a year now, and though I'm familiar with some of the more common products, I'm not sure what would be the best for a first cycle.

    Since I have no idea how I will respond to any of this, let's assume I'm extremely gyno prone, acne prone, etc. To my uneducated mind, a product with less shutdown would be preferable.

    What would be the most "mild" AAS that's (relatively) easily obtainable and would provide good results? I'm currently looking to do a short 4-6 week cycle as my first one. Any info on PCT for the recommended AAS would be much appreciated also.

    Thank you in advance for anybody who can give some input, it really does help.
    Start with this database of education:

    Austinite's Educational Article Database

    Understand that ANY external steroid will result in a negative feedback loop in your HTPA resulting in the shut down of your own natural testosterone . So there really isn't anything "mild" about being shut down. Shut down is shut down.

    Second, a 4-6 week cycle is too short, even for short esters. Minimum cycles for short esters are 8-10 week, 12-14 weeks for longer esters, plus your PCT which lasts 4 more weeks.

    Third, do NOT ask questions about where to get steroids . This is not a source board. You risk being banned from the site for inquiring or worse, you will have unscrupulous members here who will offer you steroids , take your money and send you nothing. In the past year we even had members who received contaminated product and ended up in the hospital. You will have to do your own work on where to find steroids.

    Fourth, do not take this the wrong way, but more than 50% of the new guys that join this board daily say they have done their homework and are ready to take the plunge but it is obvious from the questions they ask that they really have not done any significant research. They don't understand about the HTPA, how it is shut down, what a first time cycle should look like and MORE IMPORTANTLY, many have not spent enough time working on their nutrition plan or training. Nutrition and training will ALWAYS play the biggest part in attaining your goals. Steroids are not magic. The pros get as big as they do not from the steroids alone, rather, the copious amounts of food and training they commit to every day. If you underfeed the growth, it simply will NOT happen, even with steroids.

    The articles in the link I posted will be tremendously helpful.

    Welcome to the board and good luck.

  3. #3
    diciacco is offline New Member
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    Thank you, MuscleInk. That was an incredibly quick and well-worded reply.

    By no means have am I ready to start a cycle yet, really I'm just in the beginning stages of doing some research (I'm sure that's obvious). I am in NO HURRY to start a cycle; the most important thing to me is health, and I won't be starting anything until I have bloodwork done and all necessary items on hand. I'm 27 now, but likely won't actually start a cycle until I'm 30. Hopefully by then I'll know a sufficient amount about this.

    I've been active and training my whole life, spent a number of years teaching martial arts (boxing mainly), have always incorporated weight training, and was raised by a certified and well respected nutritionist that has changed the lives of many through diet. However, my knowledge of the HTPA is, admittedly, nil.

    I've read post from a lot of people who state they are on TRT; does dabbling in AAS pretty much mean you're doomed to TRT? Or is that more extreme cases?

    Sorry, I know this seems like I'm playing 20 questions, but I truly do appreciate the constructive criticism. I have not had the chance to read the link you posted yet, but will begin doing so as soon as I get home from work tonight.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by diciacco View Post
    Thank you, MuscleInk. That was an incredibly quick and well-worded reply.

    By no means have am I ready to start a cycle yet, really I'm just in the beginning stages of doing some research (I'm sure that's obvious). I am in NO HURRY to start a cycle; the most important thing to me is health, and I won't be starting anything until I have bloodwork done and all necessary items on hand. I'm 27 now, but likely won't actually start a cycle until I'm 30. Hopefully by then I'll know a sufficient amount about this.

    I've been active and training my whole life, spent a number of years teaching martial arts (boxing mainly), have always incorporated weight training, and was raised by a certified and well respected nutritionist that has changed the lives of many through diet. However, my knowledge of the HTPA is, admittedly, nil.

    I've read post from a lot of people who state they are on TRT; does dabbling in AAS pretty much mean you're doomed to TRT? Or is that more extreme cases?

    Sorry, I know this seems like I'm playing 20 questions, but I truly do appreciate the constructive criticism. I have not had the chance to read the link you posted yet, but will begin doing so as soon as I get home from work tonight.
    Questions are good - that's why the Forum exists!

    It sounds like you may have a decent training base, but again, once you read the database of articles (and there are many so take your time, they are all well written) I'm sure you'll have a much deeper understanding of your readiness.

    As for TRT, it really depends on the individual. I started my first cycle after I turned 38. About 9 months prior, I was diagnosed with low T and started on TRT to correct the problem. Once I had the proper TRT dose figured out, I started thinking about cycling. In some ways, I should have waited a few more years to see how the increased testosterone from TRT would actually lead to some changes and gains from continuing my work outs, but like many, being impetuous, I was eager to push myself farther.

    In many (but not all cases) if the cycle is run correctly (proper use of anabolics, use of HCG , proper PCT), then there is a good chance that you will recover much of your natural testosterone function. There are NO guarantees unfortunately. Many have run proper cycles and then did not recover fully off cycle and in some of those cases, TRT became a necessity. There is no way to predict who will and who will not recover after steroid use , but following the proper protocols, taking the appropriate time off between cycles, and not abusing these drugs, certainly will improve odds that you will recover better. Other factors such as age, body fat, and history of illness can be important factors, but again, following prescribed guidelines for proper use of anabolics will improve your odds of recovery.

  5. #5
    jdc91gt's Avatar
    jdc91gt is offline Senior Member
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    What MI said^^^!

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