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Thread: Relatoinship of normal test level to injected test

  1. #1

    Relatoinship of normal test level to injected test

    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to know if anyone has or knows where I can go to learn the relationship of normal bodily produced testosterone to injected testosterone. I want to know how much test raises the levels. For example, I am 50, and my test is at 451. I know that if injecting testosterone, my natural production will all but shut down. But what will my test be if I inject test? If I use test at a certain dose, what will my points become?

    Example, if I do Test at 750, what will my points become on my test levels? I am not sure how to ask this, but hope all will understand what I'm getting at.

    Next question, since the natural testosterone is shut down when on a cycle, are all of us equal? Starting at a 0 baseline and injecting the same amount of test, will we all be the same level?

    Thanks for any and all information!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    No everyone is not equal and we all metabolize test at different rates. The only real way to know your level is to run labs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    750mg of test will probably put your T at 10-15 times what it is now.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    750mg of test will probably put your T at 10-15 times what it is now.
    Thanks! So, would that translate to me at 451 being able to take more T than someone at say 24 years old that is maybe 900 points?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Phat Dat View Post
    Thanks! So, would that translate to me at 451 being able to take more T than someone at say 24 years old that is maybe 900 points?
    What do you mean "able to take more test" How much you take is up to you. You're the one injecting it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Phat Dat View Post
    Thanks! So, would that translate to me at 451 being able to take more T than someone at say 24 years old that is maybe 900 points?
    And how did you come up with that?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I think I knwk what he's asking. Once you start injecting test, your body stops producing test. So it doesn't matter that a 25 year old started with a higher number. Once you inject test for a prolonged period of time your natural test # is zero, you now produce zero testosterone and are 100% dependent on what you inject. It's impossible to say what your test # will be on a certain dose, everyone's body metabolizes is differently. 100mg a week put some at 900, it's puts me at 500. I take 200mg a week and stay in clinical range.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    yep most people can inject between 60-200 mg a week to get upper mid of the total t range. See the difference there, 60-200? Yes it takes some people three times as much as others. And no your age isn't going to be a good indicator. Doc will usually start you somewhere around 100, some people that will be too much, some it will be too low. for me 100 mg put my total T to a 200, but 200mg puts me at 800 plus or minus a bit. They'll adjust from there and do more blood work in several weeks or more.

    What was your free test at? 451 isn't great, but you might be doing ok if free test is in a good portion of the range.

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