Hello guys!
I'm back and ready to try out gear again after my first experience with it I ended up being 187 lbs at 6'2, my cycle consisted of 500mg of test e and d bol at 50mg. I had ran the basic pct for a regular test cycle but had gotten gyno after the pct ended from estrogen rebound. But from then on I've trained natty and have gotten up to 210 lbs and feel now is a good time to get back on, so here is the second cycle I am planning on going on .
Test E 500mg wk 1-12
Deca 300mg wk 1-10
DBol 40mg ED wk 1-4
Now I have read a few debating things regarding what PCT to go with but if you guys could give me some insight as to which pct to use would he great. I am also aware that I will be needing to use armidex on cycle because I have some pre existing gyno I just don't know how much to be using so if I could get some help from everyone that would be great thanks!