Looking to start my first cycle, thinking of this:
1-12 test-e 500mg (250mg mon morning, 250mg thurs evening)
1-14 aromasin 12.5mg EOD
weeks 15 & 16 Aromasin 7.5mg EOD
15-19 nolva 40/20/20/20/10
15-19 Clomid 50/50/25/25/12.5
with this amount of AAS/test do i need this much PCT? or would just the nolva at 40/40/20/20/10 ran along side the aromasin be enough? what are the benefits of having both?
Also since I haven't sourced prices yet off the guys i know, if I can't get Aromasin here in Australia or it's too expensive compared to Arimidex.
How much Arimidex would i run during and post cycle?
just curious aswell, would it be bad to either be cutting the first 4 weeks of using gear or cut/reduce calories the last 4 weeks? then return to maitenence or slightly above post cycle
or is it best to just lean bulk the whole time?
Thanks heaps!