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Thread: Time on vs off (for female Anavar cycle)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Orlando, Florida

    Time on vs off (for female Anavar cycle)

    I know as a general rule of thumb time on = time off. For a 10mg/day 6 week Anavar only cycle (obviously this is for a female) could you get away with less than 6 weeks off (say perhaps 3 weeks off) while still avoiding sides (ie virilization sides).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Hi Orlando

    The time on / time off rule of thumb is mainly for men. The idea is that for us, testosterone production is suppressed, and in order for our testicles to resume production, they need a break from exo aas. You have no such issue. You will need a break from steroids, but not for this reason. There are other reasons you should take a break, such as RBC too high, hematocrit out of range, blood pressure, that sort of thing. and for orals, your liver will thank you for taking a break too.

    There are hormones men do not need to take a break from that has nothing to do with testes and testosterone production, such as HGH.

    As I am not an expert on female physiology nor hormones, I'd suggest waiting to hear from other females on the subject. Additionally, regular blood panels to check the things I mentioned would be helpful. If your results become excessive, compared to your baseline, probably a good idea to take a break.

    And with respect to the virilization, once you notice these sides, just come off.

    But let's wait and see what other females have to say on the subject..........................?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Again, similar to men - it just depends. The less the better, there are plenty of joocy females running Var & other substances year round.

    And again - Just like men, watch for sides closely

  4. #4
    I would suggest blood work before and after cycle. Then after 1-2 months when you think its time for another cycle get blood work done and see if your body has come back to normal and could sustain another cycle. Good Luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by edisonstar23 View Post
    I would suggest blood work before and after cycle. Then after 1-2 months when you think its time for another cycle get blood work done and see if your body has come back to normal and could sustain another cycle. Good Luck

    I'll take it as you are able to interpret female BW

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