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Thread: Deca and proper cabergoline dosing?

  1. #1
    razman is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2014

    Deca and proper cabergoline dosing?

    I'd like to know how much, if any, cabergoline per week is prudent to add (at least as a starting point) to a stack consisting of test and deca , for example, as below:

    500 mg/wk test E for weeks 1 - 12
    250 mg/wk deca d for weeks 1- 10
    500 iu/wk hCG for weeks 1- 12
    0.25 mg/eod arimidex for weeks 1 - 14

    I would assume that the arimidex alone isn't well suited to combat the sides from deca, which is a progestin. For that reason how much cabergoline should one start with per week as a base point? (I understand that one may need to increase or decrease this dosage as they see how their body reacts but I'd just like to know what a good starting point for cabergoline would be in such a case.) As for my stats: 5'7", 160lb, 15% bf.


  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I would keep caber to hand incase you need it prolactin follows e2 so if you keep that in check you should be ok but blood work will tell you.
    .25 2x wk would be enough for a 500+mg cycle. It is a very strong drug not somthing you should take if not needed.
    Last edited by clarky.; 10-20-2014 at 04:09 AM.
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  3. #3
    Deal Me In's Avatar
    Deal Me In is offline Member
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    I've run that exact cycle in the past and didn't need caber. If you control your E2 you won't have prolactin issues. You should have the caber on hand and have blood work done mid cycle to make sure but as long as you keep E2 in check it won't be an issue.

    Also, with those stats the only thing you should be taking is food. Put the cycle away until you gain some weight. You obviously haven't learned how to eat or train correctly.

  4. #4
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In View Post
    I've run that exact cycle in the past and didn't need caber. If you control your E2 you won't have prolactin issues. You should have the caber on hand and have blood work done mid cycle to make sure but as long as you keep E2 in check it won't be an issue.

    Also, with those stats the only thing you should be taking is food. Put the cycle away until you gain some weight. You obviously haven't learned how to eat or train correctly.
    I agree.... You can EASILY gain another 20-25lbs naturally. Does it take time???? Yep..... but you'll be more likely to keep said gains

  5. #5
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by razman View Post
    I'd like to know how much, if any, cabergoline per week is prudent to add (at least as a starting point) to a stack consisting of test and deca , for example, as below:

    500 mg/wk test E for weeks 1 - 12
    250 mg/wk deca d for weeks 1- 10
    500 iu/wk hCG for weeks 1- 12
    0.25 mg/eod arimidex for weeks 1 - 14

    I would assume that the arimidex alone isn't well suited to combat the sides from deca, which is a progestin. For that reason how much cabergoline should one start with per week as a base point? (I understand that one may need to increase or decrease this dosage as they see how their body reacts but I'd just like to know what a good starting point for cabergoline would be in such a case.) As for my stats: 5'7", 160lb, 15% bf.

    an AI and that cycle you may not need a thing more, but i would rec to have it on hand, prami or caber

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    I have run Deca an test a few times. No caber, be sure to take AI from the start. Personally I need more than .25 eod. Keep tamoxifene or raloxifene on hand. When estrogen is controlled there's shouldn't be need for caber.

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