Ok I ordered my clomid and nolvadex therapy and it arrived today.
The packages read
Zymoplex (Tamoxifen as Citrate 20mg) and
Serpatar (Clomiphene citrate 50mg)
Is that what the packages are supposes to read?
I am going to do the clomid 300/100/50 3 weeks after my sust ends, but what should I do with the nolvadex?
My cycle looks like this:
I am 22
205 lbs
week 1-10 sust 125mg EOD
week 8-13 winny 50mg/day
week 13-16 clomid
where does the novadex fit in? A friend of mine said to take 40mg a week to keep my E-Levels down. Is this a valid statement? Thanks