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Thread: confused?! whats going on...HELP

  1. #1
    newuser424 is offline New Member
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    confused?! whats going on...HELP

    so im taking 475mgs of test e. i switched over from 475mg sus250 to test e four weeks ago because of deca causing me to have high progesterone sides. but now at the fourth week it seems like bloat is getting worse??. im also taking 1mg of arimidex a day for a long time now...shouldnt this KILL my estrogen? they say low estrogen can also cause bloat. but im not feeling weak at all with that dose of arimidex(even went crazy and took 2mg, this is pharma tabs 100% legit). or could i still be having high progesterone in my system? even after stopping deca four weeks ago as i never treated progesterone when on deca?. if i have crashed my estrogen and still have high progesterone without blood tests how will i know this?. cant get a appointment till next week.... just impatient and need a little advice before i do something stupid. help.

  2. #2
    Baxter35's Avatar
    Baxter35 is offline Member
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    Lower that arimidex dose immediately! No way you need 1mg a day. What are the sides you are associating with estrogen/progesterone? There is no way to tell anything for sure without blood tests.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Do you really want to know what it is or do you want to spend a few more weeks guessing? Go get blood work done and you will know for sure.

  4. #4
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Blood work like lovey said is the only way to tell what's up. On certain blasts I run 1 mg anastrozole everyday and the lowest I've seen my estrogen at has been alittle over 16 and when on blasts I check bloods at beginning at about the 6 wk mark and again at around 1 month after. Even at 16 I never "feel" like my e2 is low. Everyone's conversion rate is different and it's not always due to bf%. I stay at 10 / 11 % all the time but being 52 my conversion rate is just alittle higher then some. Ramble ramble ramble anyways bloods dude is the only way to know.

  5. #5
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    Lower that arimidex dose immediately! No way you need 1mg a day. What are the sides you are associating with estrogen/progesterone? There is no way to tell anything for sure without blood tests.
    Isn't uncommon with competitors. I know this guy is obviously a rec user but I hate when people act like 1mg a day is crazy.

  6. #6
    Baxter35's Avatar
    Baxter35 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    Isn't uncommon with competitors. I know this guy is obviously a rec user but I hate when people act like 1mg a day is crazy.
    Its all relative. I didn't say that nobody in the world should ever take 1mg/day. But I stand by the statement that this guy at 475mg/wk of test should not be taking anywhere near that dose of arimidex . Especially not without blood work to see what its doing.
    Red Bastard likes this.

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