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Thread: Test E tren E help!!!

  1. #1

    Test E tren E help!!!

    I need one more opinion on this for about a month I took test E and tren E this was my 2nd cycle of AAS I usually just used pro hormones and test boosters I made the mistake of buying an over the counter post cycle "estrogen blocker" not knowing I needed an AI instead towards the last week of my cycle I started using an AI (arimidex) unfortunately I had small gyno form it's not bad at all it's hardly noticeable but I can notice it and it bothers the crap out of me since then I've ordered clomid and nolvadex for a post cycle which I have not yet started and I've got letro and raloxifene on the way should be here today or tomorrow I am getting blood work also but what steps should I take to stop the gyno and possibly reverse it

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    why on earth did you start a cycle at your age and you go straight into a test and tren cycle!!

    Use the search function it will give you all the answers you require but in future don't use steroids at your age they will cause you problems and defiantly stay away from PH 's

  3. #3
    Yea I learned my lesson I'm 20 gonna be 21 but gonna stay off all gear for a while after I take care of this gyno situation any advice you can give me to help?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Well you already have the Ralox coming in. Abort the whole cycle, do the PCT and take the ralox, it should be ok in a couple of months. Bbut if its takes more than 3-4 months on ralox and the gyno hasnt disappeared then the only other option is to go under the knife!

  5. #5
    Do I take the pct and ralox together? Or pct first then ralox and what doses do I take of each?

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